Here, have a migrant update while my dwarf builds something. Expect to be drafted for the everlasting glory of Gemclod.

SimianNinja, Engineer

Jamsque, Lye Maker

Schneeble, Animal Caretaker

iamsmike, Thresher

Daynab, Hunter

geri_khan, High Master Wood Burner

Kloro, Clerk

Saitorr, Armorer

Bene Elim wrote :-

Barracks room - Late rain season/Early smelly season.

I've been dispatched with a clean bill of health at last, although the scar I now carry will never leave me. If I were a male, I'd probably call it 'badass'.

From what I've heard, the new overseer has more common sense than most. Full scale steel production has been resumed, and half the useless 'military' squads drafted under Minty () have been disbanded.

One thing is bothering me though; my diary seems to have been looked through. Though the spy seems to be pretty adept, their accomplice isn't. Slobber and childish sketches of elves being crushed by falling rocks and workout equipment cover the margins, and even some of the entries. I think I know who did this, but I'd better play it safe anyway.

YEOL IS THE BEST OVERSEER GEMCLOD EVER HAD AND ALL DWARVES SHOULD BE HAPPY UNDER HIS RULE. THERE ARE ABSOLUTELY NO REBELLIOUS OR TRAITOROUS THOUGHTS WITHIN THIS DWARF'S HEAD. Although while you're reading, could I please be taken out of the military? The only booze in this fortress is crap we've traded from the caravans and all tastes suspiciously like horse wee. Surely you can see the sense in letting the most talented brew-mistress in the fortress get back to the stills.