Daeren wrote :-

Commatoes woke me up the other night telling me that it was time to pay up on my Bridge debts. Debts I only incurred because this whole damn club cheats, by the way! He said I'd be able to work off my debt if I took over the position of Overseer until spring. Since it was either that or getting kicked out of the Cripple Squad, I accepted.

What he DIDN'T tell me is that WE ARE COMPLETELY FUCKED.

There's a magma flood, people dying of a damn plague, a goblin siege, demons scratching at the walls, and Armok knows what else!

First thing on the agenda was to appoint a new chief medical dwarf, as the previous one had died or something. I asked him to give me a report on the health of the fortress.

He handed me page after page of diagnoses, and none of them looked good. We've apparently gotten a lot of new blood in the Cripple Squad. The new roster of people with permanent disability: Commatoes, myself, Atomikus, nimby, Fizzle, RZApublican, Izzy, Lazarenth, FebreezeNinjaight, Dirt5o8, The Lord of Hat, MortuusLupus, Daynab, Green Intern, Factory Factory, Clever Hans, a pet dog, Zarah, and a stray mountain goat.

That's seventeen dwarves out of 97 still alive that have some sort of irreparable damage. Oh yeah, speaking of living dwarves, apparently there's so many dwarven corpses lying around there's reports of ghosts rising from the dead and screwing with people.

I ordered a bunch of slabs made to shut them up, and turned my focus to the REAL threat.

The Trees. They're out there, the smug bastards, protected by their goblin minions, mocking us while safely out of reach of our axes. If I could still walk I'd run out there through the lava and chop them all down myself.

Look at this. See all the bodies? See all the Trees? Doesn't take a Tree Scientist to figure out what happened here.

They're spreading like a plague in the caverns below us, and not one Overseer has done a thing about it! Now look what's happened! Plagues of rot, goblins swarming us, all caused by the Leafy Menace!

We are drastically underequipped to deal with this army, but that will soon change. For I have a Master Plan for these wooden abominations.

The lava being released early will only be a minor setback.