Skanky Burns had been stunned by the force of the creature's blow.

She opened her eyes. All around her was a blur.

Instinctively, she tried to get back to her feet, but her body refused to budge.

With great effort she was able to focus her eyes.

She could see that a gigantic foot was rapidly descending upon her head.


Roresa crawled back into what had once been the Baron's chamber. The pain in the creature's head was excruciating.

nimby wrote :-

They shall be my finest warriors, these dwarves who give themselves to me.
Like clay I shall mould them and in the furnace of war I shall forge them.
They will be of iron will and steely muscle.
In adamant armour shall I clad them and with the mightiest axe shall they be armed.
They will be untouched by plague or disease, no sickness will blight them.
They will have tactics, strategies and crossbows such that no foe will best them in battle.
They are my bulwark against the Arrogant Ones.
They are the defenders of Dwarfdom.
They are my Famous Palisade...
...and they shall know no fear.

-The Emperor of all Dwarves

Now let's see if Yeol is as badass as the Emperor from Warhammer 40k.