Bene Elim wrote :-

Journal of King Penguin, Monarch of the Famous Palisade, Lord and Ruler of Gemclod

As we make our final approach to the fortress I wish to make a final record of our expedition.

First the brave souls that make up our group:

Purpl Monstr

Todd the Bod


Vanilla Mint Ice



Our Cat C...

And myself, King Penguin

These brave fellows have accompanied me through my exile, and have survived even this great exodus. I would happily call each one of them family. Each shall be accorded a place of high honour in Gemclod.

What equipment we still have is less than impressive.

We lost our last pick over a year ago, and as our steel arms and armour wore down and broke we were reduced to scraping native copper from the ground to replace it. Once we get inside Gemclod my first act will be to order fresh steel forged for my companions and I.

I am rather happy about keeping hold of my old crown all this time.


The fog is thick today. The rough shape of the tower and the well-worn trade path is all that guides us.

The road turns from dirt to stone, and after another hundred yards I know we have arrived.

As if sent by the gods themselves, a stiff breeze begins to stir the fog revealing...


What in the name of all the Parthenon is that thing?

Is that a duck?

I am going to have serious words with the architect of this place.

Still, they built the damn thing, so I suppose there must be something going for them.

Spore implant me...


Vanilla! Raise hue and cry and let them know who has arrived.


Is anyone home?

Wait... What's that in the bushes?

"Ndengin e sthinta hos!"

Oh shit.

Thus ends the journal of King Penguin, Monarch of the Famous Palisade, Last Lord and Ruler of Gemclod

APinAP wrote :-