Early Summer 262: So I Guess Those Weren't Really Dogs
Praise the miners! The Entrance to the Great Hall is finished!

Early in the summer, K0npeito and Star Guarded finished digging out the Entrance. It is a magnificent artificial cliff four floors deep, with staircases going down the sides and a ramp for wagons down the middle. It is quite overwhelming, If I may say so.
Plans for the Great Hall were drawn immediately. Leperfish helped me in the end, though it lacked the joy of our former cooperation.

The harpies made a comeback the second week of summer, but this time we were prepared. CommaToes, though sick with the infection, was still able to fight and this time went to meet the monsters without dropping his equipment. The results were a bit more stunning than the last time.

The air filled with bodyparts. They went up in a fountain of blood and sunk down the mud with a dull splash. It was over in seconds, and this time, CommaToes didn't suffer even a scratch.

We were all impressed by CommaToes's performance and somebody it might have been me suggested he should teach Enzer how to fight... but not in a demonstration. Sparring is so much more effective. And with CommaToes being infected, it was of utmost importance to spar as soon as possible.
Spar? But we don't have training axes, wondered CommaToes.
Oh, but you don't need training axes, I might have responded. You can spar with the real ones! Just soften your swings. You have armour, nothing bad can happen!
And since the person who said that was quite a competent persuader, off they went to spar immediately. I might have watched Enzer getting spanked all over, and I might have felt a bit of a glee.

By that time we had already forgotten about the strange beaked dogs we saw in spring. But one morning we were awaken by terrible shrieks. Our camel wandered off too far away from the fortress and was ambushed by a group of those beaked, lizard-like dogs. They scratched, they pecked, they tried to bring the camel down.

As the camel ran back home, we had some time to look at the dogs more closely. They had beaks, of course, and a brightly coloured blotchy skin. And they were, actually, almost as big as the camel!
It was up to CommaToes and Enzer now.

But again, it was over before it began. CommaToes killed the first beast in two swings, before Enzer even got near. It almost looked like that CommaToes, having disgusting rot all around his hands and face and realising his end is nigh, decided to leave this world as a hero.
It worked. The other monsters ran away, terrified. Later we would find a dead body of our camel in the swamp, but for now, the beak dogs were driven back.

Also, it solved our food problem.
Kikka wrote :-
Inside Dwarven Academies
ikanreed wrote :-
So, I'm really bad at this mspaint fanart stuff, but I wanted to try my hand anyways.