Journal of Bad Munki
13th Opal - 28th Obsidian, 266
"A Parting Gift"
Frajag has finished her work. I was correct in my prediction that the creation was to honor my insight regarding the harvesting of the trees in the swamp. A fine leather backpack, with an image of a saguaro on it. I could not have asked for a more fitting creation.

Gemclod is relatively quiet for some time after that. Or perhaps I'm simply not as involved as I once was, preferring instead to view everything from afar. My vision is less clouded by details, that way. One day, as I am pondering the lack of immigrants this past year, I am presented with pleasant news.

The child has been named Lazy Gun. His mother has already braided sideburns, mustache, and beard, and with his rather plump body, he is quite an adorable infant. I only hope that Gemclod's future overseers have the wherewithal to protect this child as I protected Boing's.

I have made my decision as to who will follow in my footsteps. It will not be an easy task, as I believe I have set a high standard of both production and safety. I name my successor as Minty, who has proven himself as perhaps the most capable dwarf of all when it comes to protecting those who live in Gemclod. I make a formal, public announcement of this decision.

Star Guarded seems pleased, and I later learn he thought I was going to force him into the position. In any event, while I personally feel his celebration is perhaps a bit premature, I will not begrudge him this day. For now, everyone will celebrate, but soon we shall see what our future overseer has in store for us. In the mean time, I have one last bit of business to which I wish to attend. I find YeOldeButchere at the party, and ask her assistance in the forges for one final order. She accompanies me, and after a brief explanation, begins work immediately. Had I the time, I would have ordered more, but this will have to do.

Eventually, YeOldeButchere completes her work, and I gratefully receive the final products. It is on the last day of my overseership that I present The Gilded Men with these new weapons, weapons I hope will serve them well and keep them alive for many years to come. My gift is well-received.

With my ever increasing insight, I find myself spending more and more time pondering the future of Gemclod. Much has happened since I first took control of this place, and even more has happened since my exile, so very long ago. I believe that nearly all that has transpired has been for the betterment of all. Certainly one thing has changed for the better: as is appropriate, I seem to be viewed as somewhat supernatural by many dwarves these days. As such, I may never have to actually explain what happened. It is for the best, as I suspect the truth would only serve to fracture our recently-stabilized population. It is one of at least two secrets I will take with me to the grave. The other, involving the abandoned quarters I had foolishly sought to build for Boing and her offspring instead of for their actual purpose as a source of adamantine, I will never tell another soul. It is best the dwarves continue to view my reign as flawless, and I suspect the unfortunate accident was not noticed by any, as the poor victim barely knew anyone here. He will be missed by me, if not by the others.

In any event, secrets are a burden all overseers must bear, and in that way, I am no different than the rest. I am no different in another way, as well, for the time has come for me to step down and let others guide these noble dwarves who call themselves Gemcledes.