Journal of Yeol Deabo Tcher, Armorer and Supreme Overseer of Gemclod
25th Granite 268
Assigned one of the new migrants, Lord Joebles, to the Gilded Men since they were missing someone. He assured that the "Lord" in his name isn't part of any title of nobility. I hope for his sake that it's true.
I've also assigned MortuusLupus and Kikka to The New Paints as hammerdwarves, the former because he has previous military experience, the latter because he doesn't have any useful experience whatsoever.
Let's think of it as a comparative study.
26th Granite 268
Another snatcher today. This time however, it was detected inside the walls of Gemclod.

How did it make it this far? There's about a thousand dwarves going through that area every minute, so either it's some master of stealth, or everyone here is dumber than the stone Gemclod is carved from. I'm leaning towards the second theory seeing as it managed to escape. That's right, despite initially running in the wrong direction when it was detected, towards the great hall, and despite being surrounded by military dwarves and war dogs, no one managed to catch it.
I need to find a way to deal with displays of incompetence like those.
2nd Slate 268
Another day, another example of crass incompetence by previous overseers. There's not enough cloth, thread, or even plant fiber in the entirety of Gemclod to make a single sock. While I prefer the "lean and mean" approach to fortress management compared to the "bloated waste of resources" one, not having to see things I wasn't meant to see when everyone has to walk around naked takes precedence.
Unsurprisingly, we weren't growing any pig tails either for reasons I can only guess at. I changed that, but there won't be any ready until fall at the very earliest.
Let's hope a caravan comes by, or that my forges work soon so I can at least make enough armor to substitute for clothes.
5th Slate 268
Today I was inspecting the walls and ended up inside of CommaToes' shack. Whom I didn't notice at first, because he and his bed are under a gigantic pile of buckets.

Seems like whenever someone feeds him, they just leave the empty buckets. I don't even know if he's still alive under there.
The whole thing really made me laugh. For a change.
8th Slate 268
I found a solution.
On one hand, I need something to weed out the culture of incompetence that permeates Gemclod. On the other hand, the military still isn't large enough. Lesser dwarves would have confronted those two problems separately and toiled on them for years. Fortunately, I am much smarter, and solved both of them at once with a simple idea:
The penal squad.
Dwarves who fail Gemclod spectacularly, or oppose my rule (same thing, really), will find themselves given a chance at redemption on the battlefield through missions too dangerous for the regular military. Hopefully it'll help foster some much needed discipline, and some of them should become pretty good at fighting very quickly.
I'm being generous here when you consider that the alternative is Boing's welcome room, and it helps with my long term goals too. In time, with an army of a hundred dwarven champions, I will burn this world to the ground.
12th Slate 268
The first level of the two southern towers is complete.

Amazingly, no one managed to wall themselves in, which would have sucked for them seeing as the underground tunnels aren't connected to the towers yet.
13th Slate 268
There's been some unusual rumbling from the caverns below this morning.

Hopefully it's nothing.
15th Slate 268
I've just realized that the system of pumps the previous overseers have installed to steal magma from my forges doesn't seem to have a lever to turn it off. I've fixed that.

And when I say "I", I really means it. I had to install and link the thing to a gear assembly myself since everyone else was apparently too busy to do it. Maybe now the forges will have magma.
19th Slate 268
Oh hey, would you look at that, now there's some magma in my forges! And the smelters too!

Which is just perfect seeing as after two months, it seems like most of the corpse piles have been moved outside and now some dwarves are out of work. I assign the excess workforce to smelter duty.
I think I'll need more smelters though. I also think I'm getting really tired of the banging on that door.
20th Slate 268
Today, an exasperated diplomat told me how she'd been trying to talk to the mayor for more than two months, but that she kept sparring or doing Kudust knows else, insisting she could do both at the same time. The mayor is, of course, Boing.
I went to see Boing and told her that either she resigns her title of mayor, or she does her civilian duties properly. To drive the point home, I temporarily removed her from her position as leader of the Regal Mechanisms and installed some random peon instead. I made it clear that she wouldn't get her position back until the diplomat is satisfied.
I hope Boing doesn't kill her.
21st Slate 268
I knew it'd happen as soon as I gave the order to build those towers.

I can see how you might have a hard time finding the exit of this one, Mazerunner. On the bright side, it means the first level of the northeastern tower is done. I just hope she doesn't die in there or it'll stink up the whole place.
22nd Slate 268
Seems like after drinking, eating, cleaning up and storing a particularly dear glove in her room, Boing finally met with the diplomat. They came to me today and the diplomat made me an offer: elevating someone to the rank of Baron. On one hand, this is about as tempting as dunking my head in magma. On the other, I don't need more enemies for the time being.
In the end, I was about to refuse, when I had a wonderful idea. I led the diplomat to the surface and pointed to a pile of buckets:

"All hail CommaToes, Baron of Gemclod!" Then I left because I couldn't keep myself from laughing anymore.
I still am.
23rd Slate 268
There's a lever in front of my office.

It's been installed pretty recently from the looks of it. By itself that's not unusual since we have millions of unlabeled levers everywhere. What's odd is that this one is labeled as "ANTI SEIGE LEVER" (sic). When you consider that we don't have any pumps bringing water or magma to the surface and there isn't anything else for it to trigger, you have to wonder what it actually does.
I'm not touching it.
Sirocco wrote :-
Klokwurk wrote :-
Man I'm rusty at Spore.
Here's Cona.