2nd Moonstone, 269: Damn that is one vicious looking ankle
Damn that is one vicious looking ankle
and fast too

and heading right for the stairs of moderately over-rated doom
“Somebody get the militia!”

What the fuck is a Gorlak?
this thing will be bursting out any minute now
soon it’ll be here
wait for it
just any second now
ok why the fuck is taking that goddamned thing so long

is it stuck?
why the hell has it stopped just below the door
Is the door unlocked?

come on you stupid bastard we’re waiting for you
ok this is getting silly
“Fuck this waiting bullshit go and kill it”


Well good luck to him I suppose
Going up again a vicious dwarf-eating ankle like that
with his axe Borlunzustash

what kind of a vain asshole calls his axe Severeancient when he knows it got made in 266
Huh, back already
“That was quick, what happened?”
“Well it couldn’t hit me and so I just started casually lopping bits of it off”

“and it still couldn’t hit me and started to bleed out”

“Right so you just lopped its head off then?”
“Nah I got bored fast of that quite fast so I bit it to death instead”

Well that was going logically up until he bit it
whatever, problem solved everybody go home
what the fuck
who the hell are these assholes at the gate
fantastic more drains on my liquor supplies
So things are looking up these days
Operation Lush finally working full tilt

Bar nearly done

Babies popping out on the floor left and right

Random gemsetter showing up with a caravan

Yeah sure I bet you’re a ridiculously high up diplomat
you can join the queue

you can make small talk with the lawgiver and the outpost liason and the ghostly engin- WAIT WHO THE WHAT THE FUCK NOW

“How the hell long has there been a ghost sitting in the bone stockpile?”
“Oh him? Weeks. He’s just sits there looking forlorn at his skeleton. I think its his skeleton. They all look the same, you know how it is.”
“Could we not bury him? Go and bury him down in one of the coffins near the forges”
“Thats the pet graveyard”

“.....ok. Get on with it then.”
Actually do you know what, better just make sure he leaves us alone

there, sorted
I wonder if Mehuyael will be the one engraving it
his muscles rippling as he chisels in a badly phrased memorial sentence
letting out long high pitched sighs as he mops the sweat from his brow and banishes some lame ghost
You know, apart from the skinless monster and the ghost infestation things sure are looking bright arou-

Goddamn it
we have the worst goddamn doctors in the world
“SHARK MAFIA! What the fuck, I made you Chief Medical Dwarf to change this sort of thing!”
“But you also ordered aaaalllll of the doors in the hospital to be hooked up to the cleaning mechanism and now we can’t open them”

“Shit. ”
Well thats a fucking disaster
That’s definitely their fault for not pulling the lever
I’m so lucky nothing that happens around here is my fault
Wait a minute
“You should flip the goddamn lever then! There’s still other dwarves in there”
I nearly forgot that
Boy would Shark Mafia have been embarrassed then
“Ah, excuse me, Pozzo, we’ve just finished mining out the last of the artificial lake and we’ve knocked a channel through in to the brook to start filling it. Thought you might like to know”
“Ahem. The what now?”
“You know, the artificial lake you ordered dug, in order to fill the Keg up?”

“Of course, the keg. I’m definitely sure of what that is”
Oh Sirab
what the hell have I done now
ShadowedFlames wrote :-

An excerpt from the writings of ShadowedFlames Uzolatis
...Well, ain't this feckin' great. Oni Elim, we've been in this bloody swamp fer days now, and ye're just now tellin' me that ye don't know where ye're going?! Ye think I'd 'ave learned by now to not trust ye with things like knowin' where we're goin'; ye've the attention span of a bloody tree-humpin' Elf!
(I knew 'ere was a reason I should 'ave stayed single...)
{No dates have been entered anywhere in these writings; we can only assume that this is some time later.}
Here's what I wanna know. When did it become Tradition to line the only way into the bloody fortress with bodies? Kudust be damned, the stench! 'Tis no wonder the rumors in the Palisades concernin' dwarves vomitin' all over kin and sundry were bandied about. Would not be surprised at all.
For that matter, what the bloody 'ell am I supposed to be doin' here anyway? I know Oni Elim wanted to come 'ere, even under false premises o' "trained war jaguars" or some shite like that. (I think it naught but Elf-talk, anyway, but eh, what do I know?) From what I've seen, there be no more than a handful o' windows in this whole bloody fort. 'Ell, mayhaps I should see about findin' somethin' useful to do; maybe the militia needs a new recruit for all the bloody good I can do wit' these scrawny pegs for arms. Looks like what I worked my 'ole life bein' ain't but the leaf the Elf uses to wipe his arse with....
{The document ends here with no record or note of other volumes existing.}
Pozzo wrote :-

Autumn Migration Wave, 269
Fresh Migrants again, boy I'm doing well for migration aren't I and there've been like 20 babies
Captain Duck:



Oni Elem:

Orange Soda:

Shadowed Flame:


Ok I've worked out the common denominator in these glitched character screens and its all the folk born in the month formerly known as Yeol.

And you're all totally safe, thats for sure, none of you have died at all yet