From 9/27/271 To 11/11/271

It would appear that the caravan merchants want to leave with out trading.

Too bad we forgot to tell them how to leave.

This shall be the winter of our victory.

According to research studies, trifle pewter item numbers are insufficient.

Merchants are miasma brains.

Today, Zarah claims to have gotten a command form Ares, god of Mars, to build a great weapon.

It seems Project D has hit a road bump.

Despite not being able to use the left side of her body, Zarah begins work on her own secret project.

Any dwarf who impedes the completion of Project D will have pay and rations cut for a deca-cycle.

Our trifle pewter item are now sufficient. However, our doll levels are not.

A unique specimen has shown up in the caverns. We shall be monitoring it.

White-Devil was the first to catch sight of the specimen.

It did not seem interested in him.

The same could not be said for spacejung.

It seems to like to rip apart its prey, possibly for digestive purposes.

Needless to say, spacejung died.

The specimen has trapped a group of miners working on gathering more materials for Project D. Security team has been mobilized!

The specimen stopped chasing Star Guarded and is now going after a large group of dwarves.

It soon catches a straggler.

Very intriguing.

As it chews on the remains of Fenbab, 64bitrobot attacks it from behind.

However, the specimen pushes 64bit back to the entrance of the shaft. Luckily, back-up is on the way.

With the help of teamwork, 64bit chops the specimen in twain.

64bitrobot receives full credit for the kill and shall be awarded the Red badge of Ares later week.

Oh, and another dwarf was spawned.

THIS JUST IN! 64bitrobot collapsed while receiving the Red badge of Ares! He was pronounced dead on the spot. SCIENCE TEAM shall conduct an investigation into the cause of death.

As Bene Elim placed 64bitrobot in the temporary corpse storage facility, she is overheard say how she could make the fortress better. Let that be an example to the rest of you: Don't ask what Gemclod can do for you; ask what you can do for Gemclod!
And now, with the latest in Communication Tube technology, we take you live to Dr.Charlie72 Zonbasen, Leader of SCIENCE TEAM and de facto Overseer.
"Ladies and Gentledwarves, we are now one step closer to wiping the HUNTERS off the face of this earth! The effort of the last eleven months and eleven days of labor has come to a head. I am proud to present to you, the worlds first..

Mega Enormous Clockwork Humanoid (or MECH)! With this, we shall be able to defeat the HUNTERS once and for all. Now, I most warn you that it's still in alpha and doesn't have all of its intended features yet, such as the ability to move. But given time, this MECH will strike terror into the hearts of all the threaten us."
"We considered this MECH to be a gift from SCIENCE TEAM to all dwarfkind, and as such asks the citizens of Gemclod to make two important decisions. First, we need a proper codename for our MECH. Something with zaz, yet still brings terror to those that speak of it. Secondly, we need to elect a pilot, who will one day ride this thing into the HUNTER capital city."
"We are truly living in glorious times!"
So in-case it wasn't clear, you guys get to vote on the name and pilot of my gloriously unuseful mega-project.
Also, how long does it take for a dwarf to die of thirst?
Sirocco wrote :-
Pozzo wrote :-

Viewed from the top of the keg, otherwise known as the way more towering towery tower of booze
My favourite part is that the ballistas are aimed back towards the fort, sort of, except they'd probably miss that as well.
PublicOpinion wrote :-

I am bad at landscapes. Went for a 'literally scrawled on a cavern wall' look.
Ktarthan wrote :-
This was written during Charlie's reign

My father always said that one's name was something to be proud of, and to hold on to dearly. "It's what your legacies will be attributed to in the Legends, and that is something harder than any forged steel. Not quite as strong as Adamantine, but only just barely. And really, what fort even has any of that stuff? It's wicked rare." My father's wisdom was slightly less conventional than some, but it was still just as meaningful to me.
So it goes without saying that I took notice when people started pronouncing my name wrong. I mean, yeah okay it's kinda tough to say, but they're leaving out a whole consonant! Frig, guys! If you're having trouble you can always just ask me. I've decided that I'm going to talk to the Overseer about it and see if he can put up a notice or something, I don't know.
Okay so I went and talked to the "Overseer". More like "Dumberseer" if you ask me. I tried to explain the issue with my name, but he informed me that everyone had in fact been addressing me correctly, as my name had been recorded as "Karthan". I assured him that this was a mistake and asked him to update the records, but he went off on some sort of rant about the scientific method, and how if the records were incorrect they would eventually be proven so by observation and empirical evidence.
Honestly I didn't stick around for too long; it was easy to see that he wouldn't be of any help, and I'd have to resolve my issue some other way. I'll just have to avoid doing anything too particularly heroic or noteworthy before then.
In the meantime at least I can still take pride in my work. The art of hunting has been passed down through my family for many generations. My father always said that being able to provide food for one's home was one of life's greatest gifts. I am still learning the trade myself, but am ready to go out and start making myself useful.
By Armok's Beard! This day could not get any worse.
That was just one of the Dumberseer's messengers, assigning me to digging duty. I mean, yeah I know that mining is a very noble task, but... I've never even held a damn pick!
The messenger empathised (he was a highly trained soapmaker), but suggested that I complete the job as quickly as possible. He had heard the Dumberseer say many choice things about "hunters", few of them pleasant, and advised I not get on his bad side. There has apparently been a significant rise of "accidents" since the start of his reign.
Now I have to figure out where to go for this blasted dig order. It seems to be in a part of the fort that I've never even heard of before.