It appears I spoke too soon last entry.

All the paralyzed survivors left from the fight choked to death only minutes later. It appears the dust is 100% fatal after all.

Only FiddlersThree seemed to break the effects of paralysis...

...but that was only moments before choking to death anyway.

I keep hearing scratches and wails from Mr. Vile's old room. It's seriously creeping me out.

The rotting fumes from the Great Hall keep wafting up here, too. It's not exactly a pleasant smell.
After talking with CommaToes, I've decided the only hope Gemclod has left is sending an SOS to the King and his retinue. CommaToes said that the King won't come until we have roads fit for our King as per Tradition.

Tradition never said anything about building the roads on the surface, though. Besides, so much adamantine in one place will surely lure royalty to us like blood gnats to this damn swamp.

Sitting here has given me time to reflect on my short military career. While I've lead guard squads and participated in a few ceremonial drills, I only had one real blaze of glory before I got my wounds. This hammer's been at my side ever since, ever faithful.

It killed the shit out of that bear, too.
Hmmm. I wonder if you can knock down Trees with hammers?

Dirt5o8 has started to sound like he has a demon in his stomach, with how much it's roaring at us. He's barely even moved for a few days. Spermy Smurf and Skanky Burns have been feeding us between their duties but they're incredibly overworked. For all the superiority we cripples have to normal dwarves, the whole 'not being able to move' thing gets really old after a while. I've heard myths of devices called Karuh-Chez in the old language, that allow even the most crippled dwarves to move with ease. They're just an old fairy tale that provides cold comfort in a situation like this.

I ordered Spermy Smurf to pull the big lever labeled DO NOT TOUCH THIS outside the old council hall, and he's finally got the time to do it. I have no idea what it does, but there was a scrawled will on Markus' corpse requesting its activation as his only dying wish.

When pulled, the lever made a loud series of clunks...and nothing happened. In fact, it had been in the ON position when pulled. I guess it was busted.

...Mondul's TAINT I need a drink. I'll drink a damn Tree if I have to!

A few goats have started dropping dead in the Great Hall according to Spermy Smurf, their ribs practically bursting through their skin.

Skanky Burns complained that he had to walk through a waterfall and a cloud of rot every time he went to get a wafer of adamantine for the road, and my response was to tell him to give us the water if it bothered him so much BECAUSE WE ARE DYING

Seriously, our stomachs sound like a chorus of the damned. That, or the demons got a hell of a lot louder when we weren't paying attention.

On top of that, now all the corpses of the dwarves Slitheredlow killed are beginning to rot and the funk is indescribable.

I don't think this smell is ever going to get out of the walls. It's almost as bad as my old uncle Nurgle used to stink, and his body funk caused Trees to wither and die for miles around.
I miss that fat bastard.

CommaToes has lapsed into a coma, mumbling incoherently about buckets and middle fingers.

While Skanky Burns and Spermy Smurf have stepped up their nursing efforts, more and more animals keep keeling over and contributing to the stink. Spermy Smurf also told me that young Magil Zeal had been acting strangely. Wonder what's up with him?

No two year old should be worshipping Mondul.

Also, he keeps talking to all the ghosts, but none of them respond. That kid is going to be so fucked up.

Skanky Burns has started designing the road, having finished hauling all the adamantin-
I've just been informed of a grave tragedy.

RZApublican has passed away. I knew this would happen, but it still pains me. We're just too many dwarves for two dwarves to care for, especially between taking care of errands around the fortress. I only pray no more die of necessary neglect.

The fuck was that!?

...so Skanky Burns tells me that he ran toward the scream and found Runaway Bro's shade hovering in Zarah's room.

He still had his face contorted in the frozen rage and agony of the disease that took his life, and vanished as Skanky Burns approached. What he saw made him vomit all over the place, and his retelling nearly made me vomit all over CommaToes.

Apparently, her head was on one side of the room twisted into an expression of soul-searing terror, her legs were on the bed on the other side, and her torso was just...gone. Or, more accurately, spread in a fine paste on every nearby wall.
The Trees are obviously sending me a message. We must remain vigilant at all times, or they will possess the unquiet dead and scare us so hard our hearts explode like flaming kegs of booze.
Charlie72 wrote :-

Date Unknown
So this is how it ends...
No Golden Age...
No 64Gigabitrobot V0.45...
No Meta Slitherdlow...
We came so close...
To anyone who finds this...
Find Lab Alpha...
Activate Charlie73!
Dirt5o8 wrote :-

Entry 1:
I ate my sheets and blankets days ago. I'd give my left spore-gland to have some finely minced syrup roast
Entry 2:
Started eating my own body hair. I figure that it should last longer than the bed posts, it being a renewable resource and all.
Entry 3:
I heard once that humans' bodies produce their own beverage that they call "Peeh Peeh" or some such. And that it was so potent a drink that they could only drink it three times before it intoxicated them. Too bad us dwarfs seep our waste out of pores.
Fuckin' human pussies. I'd build a pump from whatever orifice it came out of, straight into my mouth if I could. Guddamn am I thirsty.
Entry 4: