19th Granite 273
The three able-bodied dwarves of Gemclod, Spermy Smurf, Skanky Burns, and Yeol sat down together for dinner and drinks.
Skanky Burns turned her head to Yeol and smiled.
"Yeol, glad you could finally find some time for us. I had a feeling it might take the promise of food and drink to make it happen."
Yeol scowled.
Spermy Smurf sighed, then spoke. "So, I'll start this off by telling you what I've been up to. Earlier today I finished mmm11105's memorial. I believe that Skanky Burns, as she typically does, installed it in the memorial chamber with the others." He turned to look at Skanky Burns. "You were able to put it in place, right?"
Skanky Burns nodded.

"So," Spermy Smurf continued, "if our records are correct, that should take care of all of the spirits save two. We still need to memorialize Xexre and Fenbab. However," he said with a grimace, stretching his arms out on the table in front of him and curling his fingers, "my hands and arms are killing me after all that stonecarving. I just can't do any more right now. Maybe one of you two could --"
At this point Skanky Burns interrupted, turning her face to look at Yeol. "Do you have any experience with stoneworking?" she asked.
Yeol snorted. "I prefer to work with metals, but I'm more than capable of working with stone if --"
"Good, you can take care of the last two memorials, then," Skanky Burns said triumphantly.
Yeol glowered.
Spermy Smurf cleared his throat. "We need to decide on our next priority, for after the memorials are finished. Yeol, we've all heard the stories of your legendary abilities as a smith. Could you work on three suits of adamantine plate mail for the three of us, just in case it ever comes to that?
Yeol's scowl inverted into a wide grin. "Yes. Yes, I can. I'd be happy to."

Spermy Smurf and Skanky Burns both breathed a sigh of relief.
Roresa opened its eyes. Running water ran alongside the length of its prone body.
It remembered the struggle of the day before. It had barely fit through that narrow hole that the water had poured through. It had taken all of Roresa's strength to fight the force of the oncoming water.
Roresa realized that it must have fallen unconscious after reaching this place. It was still very, very hungry.
With a cough and a sputter, it stood up and surveyed the area around itself.
This flooded place was not a natural cavern. This had been carved out of the rock by the flesh creatures. Dwarves, most likely; no other flesh creatures could carve out a chamber of such quality.

Rows of carved-out alcoves lined the walls, permeated with the scent of carrion. Perhaps this was a place where the flesh creatures placed their dead.
Roresa sniffed the air.
It could smell the scent of live flesh creatures, from farther above.
Roresa preferred warm, fresh meat.
The beast began to search for a passage upwards.