Spermy Smurf could have sworn that there used to be a weapon and armor stockpile down here somewhere.
But where?
The beast had blocked his passage upward. He had been forced to retreat deeper, into the old lower parts of the fortress. No dwarf had been in these tunnels for a long, long time.
This particular tunnel was overgrown, and unfamiliar. In the back of his mind, it occurred to him that he might have made a wrong turn somewhere.
The tunnel veered to the right. He rounded the corner at full speed, nearly slipping on the muddy floor as he turned. He looked up ahead.
The passage was a dead end.
The hissing sound in the distance behind him was rapidly getting louder.
Unarmed and unarmored, he turned around and prepared his soul to meet whatever it was that fate had in store for him.

Roresa was still hungry.
Its body crashed upwards through the flimsy stone floor hatch that had sealed off the main chamber of the fortress from the lower levels. It sniffed the air.