Clad all in the finest steel armor of her own making, and wielding a razor-sharp axe of adamantine, Yeol strode into the Great Hall of Gemclod.

It was this very chamber that Markus_cz had designed, that Star Guarded and K0npeito had carved from the rock, and that Leperfish had meticulously decorated with engravings so many years ago. Images of long-dead dwarves of legend -- Enzer, Vox Nihili, Minty, Boing, Bad Munki, and others -- looked on in stone stoic silence from the high walls. The great supporting pillars of the chamber rose forty feet in the air.
In the center of the room, hovering between the two great dining tables, a beast with the wings of a butterfly and the face spawned by a nightmare stared back at Yeol.
It all would end here, one way or the other.
The foes charged one another.