Krysmphoenix wrote :-

Clash of the Underground Titans, Part 2: The Beauty in the Beasts

Welcome, to the Arena! Countless warriors and gladiators have fought upon these grounds to spill each other's blood and ichor for no apparent reason other than for our sick and twisted entertainment.
But tonight...tonight we have a special treat! Nine Forgotten Beasts have stalked Gemclod through the years, and all of them have been reborn by the pantheon of The Famous Palisade to prove which one of these nine is the strongest.

The first forgotten beast was the mighty Nol. This beast had the dwarves scared for years, until a few finally lured him out and struck down the greatest warthog that ever lived. But truly Nol had the last laugh, with his so named "Nolio," that plagued the entire fortress for the greater part of a year.
The poisonous vapors of Nol were well known. Nolio completely disabled the spleen, and made all whom succumbed to its disease be very very dizzy until the puked their guts out. The warthog also has six legs, each to kick with, and a powerful bite, perfect for chomping off the head of a dwarf. Let's see how it handles creatures it's own size.

Keihao was the second forgotten beast to appear, and the first to kill a dwarf, although indirectly through its disease. When the time had come for Gemclod to purge the caverns of forgotten beasts, Keihao made them think twice about the task at hand.
Keihao's disease, or "Keihaolera" as some called it, is quite a powerful thing. First it numbs the body, then impairs all the nerves. Next the liver starts to rot and decay, then the whole body just erupts in pain. Finally the vascular system will start to just ooze and pus until nothing remains. The creature can only bite it's prey...but with breath like that, I want no where near it's mouth!

Cona was the third forgotten beast, and the first to arrive in the reign of Yeol I. Cona rose out of the earth, only to run face to face to Nimby, and was crushed by his warhammer before much damage could be dealt.
And how lucky Nimby was. Cona's secretions would first send blisters all over the muscles, and rot them away until nothing was left. Of course, this means it has to reach exposed muscles. The three eyes means this creature is more difficult to blind, and it can kick just as hard as it can bite down. Perhaps it shall fare better against creatures without warhammers.

Siga was the second forgotten beast of Yeol's reign, the fourth forgotten beast to reach Gemclod, and the first to enter it's halls, infiltrating through the tombs. It was promptly met with the military of Gemclod, whom swarmed the beast at once.
Siga's breath causes a powerful nausea, which then puts it's victims to sleep. They'll then suffer a powerful fever, and possibly even lose control of their internal organs if the disease creeps that far. The twin tails of Siga are but simple distractions, as it can't use them to fight, but it's kicks and bite could be good enough.

Corowa, the fifth and the blodiest forgotten besat. Without skin or hair, this beast's muscles and innards are completely exposed, yet Corowa doesn't seem to mind at all. In fact it loves seeing bleeding muscles...
Especially when it's not it's own. In edition to causing muscles to bleed, Corowa's disease can make anyone dizzy, and cough up endless amounts of blood as well. Then as if that weren't enough, the vascular system could just swell right on up...wouldn't it be fun to see a dwarf go Pop! Like most forgotten beasts, it only has four legs to kick with and a bite, but it would certainly be bloody one way or another!

Roresa Routburn, the first of it's name and sixth forgotten beast. With clear scales, come clear muscles and most organs, although it's stomach system is clearly visible...hey, is that Bob in there?
We'll just get him out later, I don't wanna go anywhere near that stinger Roresa's got there. It's sting will numb up your entire body and make you feel the worst fever you could ever imagine. Without legs, it doesn't have a kick, but it's teeth are still sharp, and that once that stinger gets ya, you won't feel nothing at all.

Cuthabe was the seventh forgotten beast, and probably the most terrifying looking of all of them. Fortunately, Gemclod never encountered this thing, it just hung around for a bit then left. That's probably a good thing because...
Look at that thing! You might not feel much at first if it stings ya, because it doesn't make you tired. It just flat out knocks you out! Then a deadly fever and then blisters all over your muscles...not that you'll remember any of that. You'll be dead, or by the time you wake up, the disease will have passed on. But with two pincers, six kicks, a stringer and a mouth like that, you'll be passing on first.

Laying down like that, Jaoho might seem pretty lazy. It was the second to last forgotten beast to arrive in Gemclod, probably because it just wanted to take a nice long nap and let the tasty dwarves just digest in it's mouth.
But with a breath that can cause necrosis if it gets to your vascular system? It may not need to do much. The moment it gets to you, you'll be coughing your arteries out as blisters slowly pop up inside of you. Then the numbness settles in, and you won't feel this thing just gobble you whole while you're still coughing. Only four kicks and a bite, bu you best take care that you don't become the next meal.

And the second Roresa, the final forgotten beast. Poor roresa can't tell if it wants to be a butterfly, a koopa-troopa or just some kind of darn hippy, yet it mangaed to just waltz right on in and destroy what remained of Gemclod.
It's breath weapon may not seem like much and first glance, but remember a drowsy soldier can't fight, and will have to fall asleep, letting this thing just rip you to shreds. You'd be surprised how hard a giant butterfly can kick your brains in, or just bite your head off in one fell swoop. No wonder Gemclod didn't stand a chance against it.
But enough about these beasts, you didn't come here expecting a giant history lesson and lecture on the effects of various poisons and toxins? You came to see it happen right before your very eyes. You came to see these beasts rip each other to shreds, and dissolve into pools of pus through the combinations of each of their diseases combined!
You came here to see which one of these nine forgotten beasts can claim the title of "King of Beasts!"
Coming Soon: Part 3: The battle.