Addendum to the Journal of the First Praetor, Granite 1st 264
Upon further inquiry, Apocadall, Tarezax, Mr. Vile, and the orphan Samuszoomer are also found to be Mondulites. I issue censures upon them all, and authorize the removal of Apocadall from his position as Militia Captain. Goatface, a good Sirab-worshipping dwarf, is instead put in charge of the 2nd squad, and promptly renames it Competitive Staves. His skills surpass those of Apocadall, of course. Apocadall will continue to serve Gemclod under Goatface.
The remaining Mondulites will be expected to continue their duty to the Fortress as upstanding citizens of The Famous Palisade. Melancholy and suicidal impulses have long been identified as banes of the dwarven mind. If further evidence of such impulses presents itself, I may have to take additional action to stem the spread of such madness within our populace. For now, the condition on this front appears adequate.
As Grand Overseer, Manager, Expedition Leader, and Praetor of Gemclod, it is my responsibility to see that the Fortress is adapted to follow the Dwarven Principles of Foundation. I fear that Defensibility takes precedent, given out delicate situation. Thus, I lay out my plans:
1. Bring the battlements up to Measure. Construct four towers, one at each corner of the palisade, for Observation and Marksdwarf Support. Fortify the perimeter, construct a Moat, and station dogs at the entryway so that no intruder may gain entrance undetected. Every dwarf with any stone-working experience whatsoever will be instructed to assist with masonry to Expedite the Program.
2. Bring the metalworking operation online. Every non-artisan dwarf will be instructed in Weaponsmithing. Steel equipment must be obtained at any cost.
3. Exploration and Conquest of the Underground Caverns. A certain gang of troublemakers might be enticed to accept this task.
4. Enticement of additional Migrants. As Gemclod is now the largest settlement in our small kingdom, it is absolutely vital that we attract as many able-bodied dwarves as possible. We are now THE primary military target for our foes, who have doubtless learned of our location by now.