So in an incredible turn of events, I've lost everything. I fought the entire battle- proactively, of course. The militia rushed out, took names, and kicked elven ass into the dirt. They took down all but around 3 elves, including one riding on a camel. Our new bone doctor was chased around and stabbed several times, but survived. I recorded all of the pictures, cropped, saved them, and was working on my update when my computer made that terrible, terrible clunking sound that signals an overheat shutdown. All the images were saved, but the progress is lost. Not just this battle, but all of it. The save is on the 1st of granite. I was just days away from the seasonal autosave, and I was about to shut down the game and save for the night as well. But here we are, back to the beginning. I seem to recall myself telling people to save after every update. I can't believe I disregarded my own advice.
Sirocco went through worse on his turn in Syrupleaf, though. I'll survive this. Expect me to get started again tomorrow morning. The first updates might be a little sparse, but the voice I've established and the very first update where I detail the problems of the fortress are still valid.
Here are the pictures of the exciting ambush fight. I don't really have the heart to narrate them right now, but the only casualty was Slaan's dog:

I guess next time I won't run dwarf fortress for like 6 hours in a row. I feel sick.