New Arrivals- Slate 17th, 264
1. Cythereal, female, wood crafter.
2. brainspawn, female, expert gem cutter/setter.
3. LCQC, male, wood cutter and bone carver.
4. Redeye Flight, male, gem cutter/setter. Marked for military recruitment.
5. Kaboom Dragoon, male, extraordinarily skilled doctor. New Chief Medical Dwarf.
6. Daisyvondoom, female, accomplished metalcrafter.
7. ObMeiste, female, clothier, dyer, doctor.
8. John Charity Spring, female, thresher. Assignment to periphery farm duties and hauling.
9. Snollygoster, male, animal trainer and metal crafter.
10. Repelex, female, expert marksdwarf.
11. Banemaster, female, high master bowyer.
12. TehKeen, male, experienced engineer and speardwarf. Marked for military recruitment. Noted Mondulite- avoid granting leadership position.
13. nimby, female, useless novice skills. Marked for military recruitment- hammer.
14. Sejs Cube, female, siege operator. Marked for military recruitment.
15. Shark Mafia, female, diagnoser. Marked for military recruitment. Noted Mondulite- avoid granting leadership position.
16. Esme, male, claims to be an "administrator." Marked for military recruitment- sword.
17. Clanrat, female, glassmaker, some martial skills. Marked for military recruitment.
18. John Dough, male, cheese maker and pump operator.
Eighteen dwarves! With a total population of 53, Gemclod is now a notable location in our region. I order some of the migrants' draft animals slaughtered for a celebration. I will be reconfiguring our entire military in the coming days. Experienced soldiers will be promoted to Squad Captains, and given new recruits as trainees. My goal is to raise four four-dwarf squads.
TyrantSabre wrote :-

From the Flippant, Fixated Archives of "TyrantSabre" Gemgrowths, Mudcleaver-in-Chief of Gemclod
30 Slate, 265
More migrants have arrived. In the new Overseer's wisdom, he has assigned me an Underling! I was quick to appraise the new arrival Cythereal John Charity Spring of our tasks, as well as the dire importance that no pig tails be planted. I expect him her to follow orders faithfully as I am his her superior at Gemclod and from my impressions of Vox Nihili I don't think he pays much attention to things which aren't of religious importance our Overseer wisely delegates the detail work to those better suited to it than he.
A commotion erupted over the attempted attack of a giant flying cavedog on Boing and baby Penguingo. Could not have been true, since Boing is one of the lucky few to have avoided doing any work whatsoever since arriving at the fortress. Immediately dismissed it as rumor. Also curious as to whether farming could be done on an irrigated obsidian magma cap. Maybe get Cythereal John Charity Spring to test? Perhaps order to plant Armok-damned pig tails on that plot. If it fails, no pig tails and no Cythereal John Charity Spring . If it succeeds, Overseer becomes pleased at efficient use of space. Risk of dwarven ale and pig tail fiber socks balanced by possibility of being able to claim divine punishment for planting pig tails. Must consider plan further.
e:Edited to reflect reality. We were always at war with Eastasia.
ObMeiste wrote :-
Vox Nihili posted:
Dwarf profiles for those who requested them:

Decided to make use of The Sims 3 for something other than playing it for a few hours then never touching it again!

Hey, hey now! Miss Tobulurmim, looking good there! I'd hit it 

Oh...Oh my 
nimby wrote :-
Vox Nihili posted:

I tried to get some likeness with a Dragon Age dwarf, but the description was pretty generic.