The Fightbattle of Killing, Part II
Journal of Boing Dalkamzefon

With the invaders within our walls torn apart and left for the vultures, I was forced to consider how we may drive off the rest of their ambush party. While I was confident in our warriors' martial superiority, the greenskin's superior numbers and trained beasts nonetheless presenedt a tangible threat. Losing Cholfo was already too much - he had no friends to weep for him, but his remains shall be interred in the Hall of Heroes for all to remember. At any rate, an outright charge was not guaranteed to go well.

When I came to the surface to survey the battlefield, it seemed already that the greenskins intend to wait it out, for they had begun to light campfires as the hellish sun-orb sank slowly beneath the horizon. The mangled remains of Minty's dog lie to the side, but do not catch my eye for more than a moment as I am suddenly struck by a realisation.

The moat, beneath the bridge! It remains incomplete, and the incline at one end is shallow enough to allow entrance into the tunnel below, and up the stairs that lead to the centre of the gatehouse. Though their mounts may be a difficult fit, the greenskins may yet penetrate our walls. I order the stairs bricked up as soon as is possible - in the hope that there is enough time to ensure our Safety.

Yet I barely have time to sound the alarm before another bat-rider swoops over the ramparts in a lone charge. It crashes into Clanrat, who bats it away with her shield and slices off half a wing with her sword, before disengaging as its goblin rider lashes out ineffectually with its mace. Enzer moves in to take Clanrat's place, effortlessly blocking another mace-strike but being unable to attack the intruders before they leap away, in a flutter of armour and frenzied wingbeats.

It is not long before the goblin and its mount are surrounded again, and Enzer's axe finds its mark, lodging itself in the goblin's ribcage with a sickening crack. She twists, and blood sprays into the air.

As Teledahn and Clanrat move to surround the invaders, they leap upwards and barely manage to escape over the gatehouse walls, vaulting their cowardly way to safety.

Up above, Repelex attempts to finish the other bat-rider that finds itself stranded atop our walls. Her aim is good, but the bat is far away. It flutters about uselessly, taking a bolt to the lower body - and its rider is also hit, passing out at the sight of an iron bolt protruding from its arm-flesh. The bat retreats, almost falling off the ramparts to join the rest of its troop.
With the invaders driven out of our walls, and only two injured bat-riders that can scale them (and they have little incentive to return), the immediate threat seems at least to be minimised.
Or so I thought.

Sejs Cube, for an unknown reason, contrives to wander down into the moat tunnels by herself. Turning the corner, she runs almost head-first into the greenskin leader, mounted atop her great bear-like monster mount. With a spittle-flinging roar, the monster charges apparently turns tail and runs, fleeing the trench and returning to the greenskin campsite. Sejs Cube gives chase, shooting it in the leg as it attempts to flee, but staying in the dry moat to shoot at the other invaders from a speciously safe position. She lands some bolts on another of the invaders, but it is at this point when Stimm elects to finish bricking up the staircase leading into that very moat.
Sejs Cube is trapped outside, with the invaders, and a dwindling supply of quarrels to deliver. I cannot in good conscience allow one of our brave warriors to die alone while others stand by without an attempt at rescue. There can be no bargaining with the greenskin invaders, and they will not leave without blood. The dwarves of Gemclod shall give it to them.

I order the drawbridge lowered once more. We shall hide no longer.
Breadmaster wrote :-
I got inspired a bit by the FightBattle of Killing and that Giant Bat Rider.
Jabor wrote :-
Did you hear the one about the dwarf being locked outside the fortress with the greenskins?
What do you mean "No"?
Have you been hiding in a checkers room or something?