Journal of Boing Dalkamzefon
1st Hematite, 265

Summer dawns on the calendar. Now that the fortress is secure, at least for the time being, I order the military to return to their peacetime schedules. Dwarfkin begins construction work on the fortress roof, such that we will have no more bat-riders intruding beyond our defensive walls. Sejs Cube's body was safely taken indoors before the bridge raised, and Cholfo's is now collected as well. Their burial preparations begin.

It appears, however, that not every dwarf shares my elated sense of victory. Nimby has not been training. I suspect that the gruesome battle and the loss of her battle-brothers have crushed her spirit. I hope it recovers before we are forced to face our enemies again. Disturbingly, there is another complication as Snollygoster's squadmates fail to report his return. He has not been seen since the battle. It is unlike him.
3rd Hematite
By the great architect Markus's advisement, I moved to oversee the hazardous stonefall traps placed by the entrance to our hall. On the way, I found Willie.

He was laid upon the stairs in a trail of his own vomit leading from the battlefield. I spoke to him but he did not answer. I asked him what Pozzo would think and he did not answer, though I felt uneasy afterwards.

I continued to oversee the trapped entrance. Though Markus recommended the removal of but a few, I was skeptical as this is already deep into the Fortress itself. If enemies proceed this far then our military has already failed and our safety compromised. Traps will not help. I order them all taken apart, their mechanisms to be used in weapon traps nearer the surface. We may make good use of the greenskins' equipment in this endeavour.

Bad Munki approaches me to inform that he estimates the value of Gemclod's produced wealth to begin nearing one million copper pieces. I consider this a good milestone to achieve during my overseership and so order gems to be cut. We have excavated many during our new mining operations.
6th Hematite
I send lookouts to the ramparts. They report greenskin sightings - the heinous stragglers contrive to yet wander about our swamp, although Fizzle also notes something unusual atop the east hill.

It appears that Snollygoster was overcome by bloodlust during the battle and contrived to chase down the retreating greenskins, but was outnumbered and left for dead. Either unwilling or unable to return to the safety of Gemclod when the order was given, he languished in his injuries until they took his life.
We cannot yet risk an expedition to recover his body, but will not forget his bravery, even if it was ill-placed. It is disheartening, for he had leadership talent and may have made a fine overseer one day.
The news sparks speculation among dwarfkin that Vox Nihili has been left outside for dead in some similar manner. I allow them their speculations and do not comment.

It has been near two months since the ex-Praetor's incarceration. When I came to check, I could yet hear the sound of his heavy footsteps, for it seems he paces with despondence and has not yet starved. LCQC noticed me by the doors and asked me what I was doing. I told him it was important overseer business and he said nothing.
7th Hematite

In the middle of his harvest, TyrantSabre dropped his sickle and rushed with excitement to a magma forge. It is surprising as he is not a metalworker, but Mr. Vile reports having seen him make weapons under the ex-Praetor's regime. TyrantSabre gathers iron bars and throws a fit, demanding the provision of cloth, silk and leather hides. If it is indeed a Mood and not merely his indolence, we may gain something of value. As such I order that he be given whatever he needs.
I ask Bad Munki to check his books and he assures me that we have cloths, silks and leather in abundance. TyrantSabre's refusal to gather additional materials is thus puzzling to me. I suspect that his preference for billon may be clouding his judgment, and order the procurement of some to attempt to appease him.

Malachite is smelted to obtain copper, but we lack silver ore. I order the expansion of our mining efforts, for veins of galena or tetrahedrite may yet be found in time.
12th Hematite

I attempt to return order to the military following the chaos of the greenskin battle. Teledahn is appointed leader of the New Paints following Cholfo's demise, and Cythereal now leads the Inky Systems in Vox's absence.
Because Vox Nihili can no longer carry out his duties, I order him officially replaced as Captain of the Guard as well. Tarezax takes the post instead. She is good under pressure and has few other obligations.
Regardless of my arrangements, The_White_Crane seems to fall prey to nimby's negativity also. She grows despondent, and her training slows for it. I may be forced to take measures if this continues.
14th Hematite

Star Guarded notes that there may be galena veins running through the deep under-caves, below even the vast depths of Markus's tomb. I order an excavation to be carried out, taking care so as not to breach the caverns themselves. With luck, TyrantSabre's neurotic contrivances will be satisfied and he will create great things for the glory of Gemclod.

Many dwarves sweat as work continues on the ramparts, though it goes slowly as the workers are not comfortable with the greenskins continuing to tread through the swamp below. I told them it is safe for none of their monsters can fly but still they are startled when greenskins come too near.
I also note that there have been no deaths or anything nearing them in the forge-area since the completion of the bunker.
20th Hematite
Bad Munki approaches me with his books and tells me to expect traders by the end of the season. I tell him that the greenskins still plague the swamp and he says to prepare for them regardless. I agree and order the trade depot set up for their arrival.

Enzer moves to pull the lever that seals the depot drainage system. I do not watch, but across the corridor I hear a panicked shout.
"Bad Munki, where are you going?!"

Bad Munki wrote :-

Journal of Bad Munki, 1st Hematite, 265
Everything is sorted and in order. I must say, my time as the sole bookkeeper of Gemclod has been most valuable.
In any event, today is the day. Hopefully nothing goes wrong.
The_White_Crane wrote :-
This is a journal entry. It is written in giant cave-spider ink, on blind cave-bear-skin parchement.
The writing is jagged, and menaces with spikes of capitals. All craftsdwarfship is of the most mediocre quality.

Journal of The_White_Crane Ducimimush, Axedwarf of the Inky Systems:
It's been long since I was able to Take Note of my Thoughts in this Journal, for my Plans proceeded apace! I was easily able to gain entrance to the militia, that I might rise in Influence and thereby Cast Down that Wretch who Usurped my Rightful Post as Head Bone-Carver of Gemclod. The training thus Occupied me for Some Time, but now I am at a Loss. Our Squad Leader, former Praetor Vox Nihili (All honour to the Praetor, Gloried be his Name), has vanished. I spoke with the new Overseer about this Matter, but she denied Knoweledge. I Doubt her most Gravely. I fear the Praetor has met with a Misfortune at her Hands. For a Time I was assigned to Weaponsmithing Duties, no doubt in a Futile Effort to distract me from my Suspicions, however such a Transparent Blind will not Thwart me! I shall discover what has Befallen our Praetor, and aid him in his Return, that he might in turn help me fulfill my Goal of Humbling that Foolish Oaf, Shorter Than Some.