Journal of Boing Dalkamzefon
18th Moonstone

To contrive the cave-in it is necessary to breach the caverns again for that is the only way that the correct spaces are mined out. I order the woodcutters' wall re-breached and for the miners to prepare the system. I double-check my plans and they are solid. Minty's team stands by again though I do not expect cave-monsters this time.

Because I wish for Safety and not for our miners to plunge down a four-storey hole to firey deaths I order a mechanised support to be built that may detach the appropriate rock from a distance when necessary.

Meanwhile Brainspawn alleges that the bridge mechanisms are complete and that the siege control room is ready for use. TehKeen is taken off military duty for the time being as he is the only one trained in ballista operation. I intended to have multiple machines ready for when the greenskins come but with unskilled operators it is more hindrance than not.
24th Moonstone

Charlie72 completes the support and I order it mechanised as soon as is possible. At the same time I mark off the last day of Moonstone on the calendar with my chisel. Soon all will come to fruition.