Journal of Boing Dalkamzefon
Final Entry

There is rejoicing among the military dwarves when both Cythereal and Angry Ed return safely from the surface now that the threat around the tunnel entrance has been dispersed. Angry Ed's presence on the surface is unaccountable to begin with but his return is favourable nonetheless. I inform the military that there is a time for rejoicing and it is not now as they proceed up the ramp toward the sunlight.

They wait but nothing springs out of the trees to tear them into pieces. I am optimistic at this turn of affairs but nonetheless order the squads to split up and search the swamp for any sign of stragglers.

Apocadall ventures toward the southeast and is not met with a brutal and bloody death.

Nor are Minty, nimby and Atomikus, who report the area west of the river as all clear.

And the northern hills upstream are peaceful as well.
Though the slaughter was unsatisfying and only Minty earns but a single kill to his name, it does me proud to declare that the enemies of Gemclod have retreated, in the face of our unquestionably overwhelming defenses and military power. Doubtless they will come again, but the next time we will be ready, and we will not suffer the loss of a single dwarf to their number.

The military is ordered to return while John Dough and TehKeen are relieved from their battle stations. Dusk falls and the month begins to draw to a close. My last few acts as overseer will be triumphant gestures of our victory over the impertinent greenskins. Time is running out and I must do what I can.
16th Obsidian

The masons and mechanics sweat in constructing and fortifying the magma pumps. The system will be complete before the year is out.

A working floodgate is installed in the reservoir area and the miners are ordered to once again tap the magma pool. This time it is safe and there will be no Incidents so long as the door is kept locked. It is mica and it will not melt under heat.

Down below, I order the floor of the Hall of Heroes repaired, even though the notion of an ever-flowing magmafall pouring down into the caverns forever is pleasing to me. It is not suitable because the forges will go without power unless they are moved.

While doing so I note that the dwarves have erected new coffins to memorialise goatface and Pozzo. Their remains are lost but so are those of Bad Munki and Elswyyr and they do not mind. It is touching nonetheless.
Meanwhile Teledahn comes to me and tells me that he has not seen The_White_Crane in quite some time and that he begins to worry.

I tell him not to worry although I will keep vigilant watch for her.
22nd Obsidian
I have John Dough perform another count of our food and drink supplies.

He is not skilled at the task but estimates nonetheless that what we have will last a very long time. We will not be wanting for alcohol unless bears infiltrate the pantry.

The death tunnel is sealed shut on both sides until such a time when it must be used again. The power it holds is great, and dangerous if in the wrong hands. I urge Penguingo and Brute_force to avoid the doors although I suspect that Penguingo will find a way inside to see the traps.
25th Obsidian
The day comes to begin preparing for my resignation from overseership. It saddens me for I feel I have accomplished much, but at the same time it pleases me that the fortress continues on even without my assistance.
I end the year as I began it - I tour the fortress, noting what has changed and what has not, and reflecting on my successes and failures.

While doing so I note that impertinent vegetation has grown in one of the tunnels behind the farms. I order the tower-cap killed and it is done. However there is a sight beyond that is most unnerving.

It is here that we find The_White_Crane's cold, emaciated corpse, dead from starvation. It seems that she wandered to observe the flood-gates and was trapped there by the plants that grow quickly and without heed. It is not known how long she remained here but she drank water to survive. A fate most cruel. Her remains are hauled off to the Hall of Heroes even how I contemplate the nightmarish scenario of spending even a few days without rum to drink.

28th Obsidian
As I wander the stockpiles I uncover one of Leperfish's dusty works that has been untouched for some time. I order it moved to the hospital where it stands as a memorial and a reminder to the doctors.

I do not leave authority totally behind, for Gemclod still lacks a guard captain since Tarezax's failure as bait.

I take up the mantle, for it will allow me to continue administering punishments to dwarves that fail important duties in times of crisis.
Finally I take up the daughters in hand and, surveying the swamp one last time from the ramparts, move for the Great Hall.

I pull the lever personally.

And, as gears rumble and whirr beneath the earth, the great steel bridge slams thunderously down onto the swampland ahead.

Finally the fortress gates are open once again to the world, and we bow no more to our greenskin invaders. We are free. We are Gemclod.
Chance II wrote :-

Another late picture. Pretty rough but the earlier "sip, sip, sip" depiction really cracked me up. More Vox mini updates, please!
The_White_Crane wrote :-
This is a journal entry. It is written in dwarf-blood ink, on tower-cap paper.
The writing is faltering, and menaces with spikes of capitals. All craftsdwarfship is of the poorest quality.

Last Journal of The_White_Crane Ducimimush, Axedwarf of the Inky Systems:
I have Failed. I was unable to Find the Praetor, though I Sought him Long in the Tunnels behind the Walls... I was Right about his Imprisonment by that Usurper Boing. She Lured mehere with aCunning Ruse, and Knocked me Unconscious. Now, a Mass of Plants bar my way and I cannot Get Out Cannot Get OutCannot Get Out...