Journal of Bad Munki
28th Moonstone, 13th Opal, 266
"Preparing for the End"
All is well in Gemclod. While I rarely trouble myself with the mass of reports produced in the daily operation of the fortress, I occasionally peruse the files and take note of a few. It appears the liaison has presented us with a list of goods that are in highest demand elsewhere. This may prove useful for future dwarves in my position, and so I mark it for delivery to my successor.

With the swamp at last safe, I have ordered a good deal of trees cut from the swamp along the road. Our timber supplies had become sparse, and the wood gathered in the next few weeks will be useful in the food industry and elsewhere, should we find need to lock ourselves away once again. Likely inspired by my insight, Frajag has been struck with a mood. It is certainly not the first during my time as overseer, but it will most likely be the last.

While Frajag toils away, gathering supplies and piecing them together, I order the dwarves to continue their work in the mechanical room which will transfer power from the water wheels inside our walls. To what end they will be used, I care not, and so I make sure they do not actually connect them to the pumps below. Still, perhaps a future overseer will devise a suitable use, and when that day comes, there will be little work left to be done. Such is my power of vision: I need not even know why I command these tasks to know that they will be critical to the future of Gemclod. Markus takes a particular interest in the project, and performs much of the work himself.

As promised, I have seen to it that Daisyvondoom is provided with quarters befitting the contribution made in the forges. While there is no private forge, the quarters are spacious and well-decorated, and near the forges for easy access. I am sure they will be appreciated.