Election time
Late Hematite 267, Early Summer

We, of course, set out to greet and escort the nine new citizens of Gemclod. We were noticeably more haggard than before, but we put on a good show to make the migrants feel safe and welcome.

We got their names over drinks in the Great Hall, and they told us what they could contribute to make our society flourish.


Viola the Mad, female, accomplished weaponsmith
The Lord of Hats, male, furnace operator
Vlad the Eater, male, bone carver
TremenMajestic, female, fish dissector
Ghetto Wizard, female, gem cutter
Leonyth, female, woodburner
Spouse, female, fish dissector
Sillyman, male, carpenter
Dizz, male, engineer/marksdwarf, conscripted into the Knives of Domination


All it took was a strong hand to reestablish society for the peasants to begin to show wisdom in their own choices. They have seen through Locomotive Breath’s lies and replaced him with the more capable Boing. I relished stripping the blackguard of all his titles.

However, he still has potential in battle, and perhaps can still learn to respect his superiors, given the right setting. I have him recruited to the New Paints.

As for his privileges to command and attend the council, I bestow those to one who has been instrumental to the protection of Gemclod, and who has shown aptitude to lead the peasants during her duties in the forgeworks. I award YeOldeButchere with the Fenced Rhythms. Her experience will be useful when we begin the expansion of the steel lines.

Leonyth wrote :-

So, this is Gemclod. I came here expecting it to be less than what it is. A fortress in a swamp? Surely it was someone making it greater than it sounded. But here it is, a Swamp Fortress. Now that I'm here and part of the society, it makes me wonder how my talents will be used.

For now I guess, I'll just do what i'm told, maybe some mood will strike me and lead me to a greater goal.

Minty wrote :-

hey have some profiles

Viola the Mad

The Lord of Hats

Vlad the Eater


Ghetto Wizard





And if you are wondering about the miasma, well someone made a quantum stockpile but didn't remove the designation. Sooo guess where the rotten food was dumped.