A Rubber Stamp
1st Malachite 267, Mid Summer
“Good day to you, Counsel of Will. I’m sure you see there’s been some changes amongst our members. Locomotive Breath has proven intolerable to the masses, and thus he’s been replaced by YeOldeButchere. I’m sure you will all see fit to welcome her and treat her as Sister.
My investigation into the questions of Pozzo’s loyalty has completely cleared her name. Now, I’m sure that the person who brought her to our attention was acting in good faith, but remember, time wasted examining the innocent is time an actual traitor has to do mischief.
I’m sure you have all reviewed the report I compiled on the series of ambushes that took place the prior two months. I assure you I am already correcting the shortcomings revealed within. I have placed an order with YeOldeButchere’s shop to reoutfit our troops with new, more dependable headgear.

I have reinforced our squads; each is now 10 dwarves strong, excluding Commatoes’s Fair Axes, for obvious reasons. Due to lack of volunteers and innately qualified dwarves, I have drawn these recruits from the dregs that contribute least during peace. I have further increased training for our main battle groups: the Crystals, the Knives, the Men, and the Paints. The auxiliary squads, the Axes of Chance, the Rhythms, the Sinews, and the Pulleys, will consist of minimally trained laydwarves. However, some training is better than none, and a dwarf that can hold his ground is already most of the way to victory. I have also placed the Mechanisms on patrol within the city to keep the peace and destroy any more animals that might be let in. Finally, I have set up a sweep of the swamps that will be conducted by the Gilded Men or the New Paints, alternating each month. Never again will we be taken by surprise on our homelands.

We have reached a consensus on the new hospital system design. It incorporates many of Kaboom Dragoon’s new medical theories. Each room segregates the patient so that he may not be tormented by the cries of the wounded around him, nor become ill from breathing the bad air expelled by the sick. Central to our medical chief’s tenets is the idea of “cleanliness,” thus we incorporated a plumbing system that includes a well for him to wash and an automatic cleaning system to clear the rooms of contaminants between patients. There is also on-site living space so the doctor and his staff can be found on hand at any time for any emergency.

Next, the great beast Nol has not been spotted in some time, but he should not be forgotten; as long as he roams the dark any attempt at expanding the steelworks will put the entire fort in danger.

Speaking of the forges, YeOldeButchere has informed me of a critical flaw; one of the smelters does not work. They tell me that the lava does not have enough pressure underneath. I submit their descriptions to the Great Architect, for I am not experienced enough in such matter to advise the smiths.

I yield the table to the Council to dispense whatever advise and air whatever grievances you feel relevant.”