The Underestimating Ones
Timber 267, Late Fall
From the ramparts came a call: a caravan of dwarves have been spotted to the west!

The sweeps that were in effect since the last combat had revealed nothing but goats and marmots, so I declined sending an escort to them this time. I instead ordered the peasants to begin piling Bad Munki’s legacy onto the trade depot. Maybe they’ll find more use for it than us.

Meanwhile, the Gilded Men were patrolling the swamps to the east. The new recruit, Cota Froise, eager for a kill, rushed away from the group to chase a group of goats. That was when the Arrogant Ones saw their chance.

They leapt over the goats they were using as cover and charged at Cota.

I could only hope that the dwarf’s superior equipment would make up for his lack of skill and numbers.

They also had brought their slaves, but were thankfully unwilling to arm the humans lest they turn on their captors.

I gave orders for both the Gilded Men and the New Paints to meet this threat.

I then ordered the Knives of Domination to take their places along the ramparts.

However, I was distracted from commanding the squads by the sound of battle to the west.

The caravan was in trouble!

Though they were distant, I could tell these elves were archers by their giant bows.

It also looked like this contingent had already seen battle; one of the human slaves was limping.

With a curse, I rerouted the New Paints to help protect our dwarven allies.
I turned my attention back to Cota. It looked like YeOldeButchere’s armor was as impenetrable as adamantine.

But the elf’s probes eventually found its way between the plates.

Behind me, I could hear more screams of pain.

Fortunately, the caravan guard showed how even a little training can focus a dwarf’s explosive fury into well-timed blows.

The guard made quick work of the poorly armed archers.

One was so focused in pelting a donkey with his arrows he didn’t even notice the dwarf charging up the hill at him.

The guard showed him how we feel about those who attack the defenseless.

yes, he bit the elf's toe off
To the east, things were not going as well. Cota wisely decided he should retreat. Thankfully, only one elf gave pursuit, swinging his axe at Cota’s heels the entire way.

Eventually, the elf tired of the game, and tackled Cota to the ground.

The rest of the elves stood at the top of the hill cheering on their comrade. At least until FebrezeNinja and I crashed into the audience.

I panted over their corpses. They could only be barely recognized as once belonging to elves.

I noticed blood on Febreze’s face, and asked if I needed to send for a medic. He smiled and wiped the blood off, showing that the wound already had coagulated.

“Alright,” I said, “Let’s go rescue our friend.”

We charged down the hill, but some more elves maneuvered in front of us. I was not going to let them slow me down.

Their bodies served as only a slight bump in the road, but it was enough. We were too late to save Cota.

I turned to see how FebrezeNinja was doing, and saw he was pursuing a fleeing elf. And that he in turn was being pursued by another elf. I would have none of that.

Bene Elim and Zahrkon were cleaning up the elves we missed.

Soon, the elves were all killed or routed. All but one.

I made sure the dwarf-killer would not frolic in another glen.

I turned my attention to the west. At the top of the hill lay an injured merchant and her animal.

I sent orders for the New Paints to help the dwarf into the fortress.

As I entered our gates victorious once again, a messenger approached: the pumps were finished, and the magma was flowing into the reservoirs!

My relief that the machine worked without error or loss of life was short-lived, though, as I soon received further reports that the lava level in the forges were falling.

I suspected that the pumps might be draining the magma from our very forges.

My suspicions were confirmed as the reports came in that our steel production was grinding to a halt.

There’s nothing we can do about it for now but hope it rebalances once the reservoirs are full.
Wondering how discussions over the junk pile were going, I sent a messenger down to the trade depot. He returned to report that Markus had yet to meet with the caravan.

I was a bit perturbed, but I figured I should give Markus some time to get his affairs in order.
Imagine my surprise when I checked later and found out he still hadn’t met with the merchants. Worried, I sent soldiers to search the fortress for him. He wasn’t in the council room meeting with Leperfish this time; no, he was found hauling goods to a stockpile.

I was confused, as I had not authorized any other tasks so he would be free to trade.

While I appreciated his volunteering to help complete the various tasks left to the peasantry, I reminded him that he should attend to his own duties first.
Glorious news! Gemclod has a new citizen!

This was an especially impressive display on Ramc’s part, I hear, as Ramc was apparently juggling another baby, a crossbow, and a keg of beer at the time. And wearing pants. A dwarf’s industriousness knows no bounds!

The new girl has been named Gregen.

I must also disapprove of the rumors I’ve heard regarding her parentage. Ramc is a perfectly respectable dwarf, and she and Anaxite seem happy enough.

Bene Elim wrote :-

I'm in combat! I'm in combat! Oh Gods, why am I in combat?!
Wait... Damn these flashbacks! The great battle with the high has traumatised me for life! Twice I've faced the Dwarf exterminating foe, and twice I've been lucky to return. The first time I was saved by the timely (and gruesome) efforts of Zahrkon, but the second time I had no such luck! The Elf was charging right past me, all I could do was close my eyes and dive towards it, hoping that I could slow it down for one of the better soldiers, but I couldn't even do that right. I don't think I'm cut out for the soldiers life.
I'm actually happy that Minty put me in armour now. It gave me a perfect excuse to be slow, and hang back from battle and, seeing how well it protected Cota, I'd probably have survived long enough for rescue if the tall basterds did get me. I truly feel that I owe Zahrkon my life, after he dealt with that AxElf so quickly. I'll let him have access to the special brew when he next comes for a drink.