I'm still trying to find a happy medium here.

Won‘t Somebody Think of the Children?
Moonstone 267, Early Winter
After the council, Markus finally saw fit to meet with the dwarven merchants. He later told me how they said even the King was in awe at how we were able to rebuild our civilization in the face of our enemies. Much to my surprise, Markus had no trouble pawning off Bad Munki’s baubles to the caravan; apparently mementos of our stand inspired hope to our far flung brothers. He managed to get the poorly carved hunks of rock taken in exchange for anvils, barrels, metal bolts, drink, and food.
Markus also told me he saw the liaison chasing Boing around the stock halls, but the mayor was too busy to notice him.

Elsewhere in the halls, more hunts took place.

New recruits were eager to prove themselves in the lightened combat, and Gabriel Pope managed to score his first kill. I must admit I might be letting these hunts go too far, as dwarves are using these as opportunities to show their ferocity rather than hone their skills.
Noticing that the spirits of Gemclod were once again on the rise, Boing decided to repeal the unnecessary laws she passed in prior months.

The Arrogant Ones’ threat had not ended. While patrolling the road, Teledahn and Warmbody stumbled upon a high elf playing dead amongst the bodies.

Strangely, this elf was reported to be completely unarmed, which meant she was here for more diabolical purposes. The elf, realizing she was outmatched, turned and ran. Warmbody tried to block her escape, but the elf was too quick and slid by the soldier. The pair chased the elf across the swamp, but, shamefully, lost her when she slipped beyond the tree line.

Having felt the threat had passed, the fort went back to its routines. A dwarven child, feeling perfectly safe, sat and played at our gates. I’m embarrassed to admit that this was not as safe a place as I’d hoped. An elf crept out from the grass and made a grab for the child.

The child managed to evade the elf and let out a shout, attracting the attention of the entire fort. The elf, fearful of the righteous might of the dwarves, threw the child over his shoulder and ran. Gabriel Pope caught up to the elf and tried to cripple him and slow him for the rest of our mob. He managed to only trip over himself, and struggled to keep up with the longer legged elf.
When I finally caught up to the posse, they were bent over their knees, trying to strike their breath. When I questioned them as to the whereabouts of the elf, all they could do was point to the trees.

We were too late for poor Tag Plastic.
While we slowly drifted back to the gates, Nimby decided to take his frustration out on a grazing goat.

The Arrogant Ones, not content with stealing just one of our children, continued to harass us. This time, 64bitrobot spotted an elf creeping in the bushes beside the road.

He chased the elf around a pit, where Bene Elim tried to cut off the would-be snatcher’s escape.

Once again, though, the elf eluded our grasp and escaped.
I decided I should speak to the populace on this matter, and told them to emulate proud Boing and keep their children close at all times.

The wisdom in my words proved sound, as soon another elf was spotted. This one was discovered far out into the swamps during a sweep by Toffile.

Once again, the dwarf could not do much more than hurl curses at the fleeing elf.
I am worried about Krysmphoenix. She has been acting strangely since her child was taken, standing forlornly at the edge of our lands, staring into the woods where Tag Plastic was last seen.

I gave orders to build every workshop our fort lacked, in hope that maybe some new industry would distract her.
Krysmphoenix wrote :-

Fey Thoughts of "Krysmphoenix" Zan Roomscalded
Middle of Moonstone, 267
Lazarenth? Where are you? I can't find Tag Plastic anywhere! I already checked, Bob N Threadbar is playing with Penguingo, but Tag Plastic...on Tag Plastic...I knew coming here was a terrible idea, this Armok forsaken swamp. Flies, Blood and Blood Flies are everywhere. The line to Gemclod is literally lined with the corpses of its enemies! They care not for the children of this Fortress!
Oh Tag...I'm so sorry. We should have gone somewhere that wasn't so infernally scorching hot...somewhere in the mountains, where sun berries and wild strawberries grow. And Longland Grass...we could have worked it into the flour you loved to jump and play in so often...Oh Tag Plastic where are you?
...Tag...Please forgive me Tag...I have failed you as a mother...
Ignite the Furnaces. Melt the sand. Burn the wood.
Ashes. From Ashes comes Lye. From Ashes comes Soap.
These ashes clean away the death.
Ashes. From Ashes comes Potash. From Ashes comes Crops.
These ashes give way to new life.
Life in the flesh, fruit of the earth.
Fruit of the flesh, life in the earth.
Our dwarven children.
Fire. Lye. Glass. Fire. Sand. Ash. Fire. Magma. Lava.
Fire. Life. Earth. Fire. Flesh. Death. Fire. Magma. Lava.
Fire. Lazarenth. Tag Plastic. Fire. Bob N Threadbar. Cthulhu. Fire. Magma. Lava.
Fire. Tag Plastic. High Elves. Fire. Nimby. Mountain Goat. Fire. Magma. Lava.
Fire. Tag Plastic. Glass. Fire. Mondul. Mishos. Fire. Magma. Lava.
Ignite the Furnaces. Melt the sand. Burn the wood.
I will create life from that which has none.