1st Opal 267, Mid Winter
“Good day, dwarven brothers and sisters. Time is running short. Though I have not started all the projects I think Gemclod requires, I believe I have successfully set up the infrastructure for the next overseer to accomplish whatever our society demands.”
I turned to each of the dwarves sitting at the long table. Where once had been a miserable lot, squabbling amongst themselves for their own petty desires, here were focused, happy leaders, each concerned only for the needs of Gemclod. I knew then that my efforts had been validated.
“I will instead be focusing on finishing the projects I have started. This includes the smoothing and engraving of the Hall of Champions...

…the furnishing of our barracks complex...

…the filling of the magma weapon’s reservoirs- which should allow steel production to resume...

…and completion of the much-demanded ShorterThanSome Memorial Hospital.

I shall also ask you, during the next month, to begin thinking about who you wish to see as the next overseer. As you remember, the very first power I delegated the Counsel of Will was the opportunity to select the successor. Next meeting, we shall make that decision based on the nominations you provide. I must stress, though, that we should seek our rulers from amongst ourselves, those who are naturally gifted to lead.”
The dwarves chittered amongst themselves. Some seemed more pleased with this turn of events than others. Perhaps excitement over a change in direction, or maybe surprise that I was keeping my word on such a delicate issue. I was rather taken aback by YeOldeButchere sticking her tongue out at me; such a crude gesture was entirely uncalled for. My hopes for advancing the lesser classes has been shown ill-founded yet again.
"I once more yield the table to whomever wishes to air advice or complaint about the state of Gemclod.”