Opal 267, Mid Winter
Word is spreading about the halt of weapon production. Mayor Boing has banned the export of metals so we can retain our resources. This is unnecessary; these metals are not as suitable for warfare, and the interruption is only temporary. Despite this, I hope talk of our weakness, however brief, does not find its way outside our walls.
Bad Munki has been refusing to participate in the various construction projects. When questioned about his idleness, he just squeezes shut his eyes and cryptically responds, “Wherever I go, there it cannot be.” I give orders to allow him to remain in his tower. At least there, isolated, he won’t infect any other dwarves.
The Arrogant Ones, cowed from direct battle, have tried once more to steal our future. Unfortunately for this thief, he was discovered by me

I was not as willing to forgive his trespass as my comrades.
Krysmphoenix has finally sulked in through the gates. My instincts were correct; despite her anguish, her eyes lit up at the sight of our brand new glass workshop. While I must admit her choice of materials was odd, I could not fault the drive with which she labored.

When she finished, all signs of her melancholy were gone. Instead, there stood a dwarf who once again saw promise in life, who saw herself as both executor and receiver of that promise.
Her construction, a great green glass table, reflected that spirit of new beginnings; it depicted the founding of the hope of all dwarves, Gemclod.

Strange splashing noises have been reported emanating from the eastern caverns.

As these sounds do not correspond to our nemesis Nol, I can only conclude that another great creature hunts in our vicinity.
Fearing that this unknown creature could slip into the hole in the forge-works Nol made (but was unable to fit through), I gave orders to patch up the ruin.

There was a HOLE here. It’s gone now.
Alarm! From above, I could hear distressed shouts from the departing merchants. Had the Arrogant Ones returned in greater numbers? When I reached the ramparts, I couldn’t help but laugh when I saw they weren’t under attack by numberless elves, but by a single goat. One of our citizens, boasting of her great courage to the merchants, chased the menacing goat away.

“This is quite an outfit you have here.”
I turned and saw one of the caravan guards admiring the ramparts.

“This is the first time I’ve seen a dwarven citadel that wasn’t burnt out.” He wheezed. “I pray you guys make it out here. We all do.”
“This is only the beginning.” I laughed and clapped him on the back. “From here, we’ll rebuild those ruins. Soon those pointy-eared pants-wearers will be on the run. From this.” I brandished my gleaming blue axe and grinned.
He snorted, shrugged, and slowly strolled towards the gates.
I have no idea why he was up there
The pumping of the magma into the reservoirs goes slowly. Though I had opposed the project at first, I still feel a bit disappointed, as it looks like I won’t be able to unleash a torrent of fire and rock upon our enemies. For once, I envy the next overseer, whomever he may prove to be.
Sirocco wrote :-

Krysmphoenix wrote :-

Fey Thoughts of "Krysmphoenix" Zan Roomscalded
Early Opal, 267
I have finished collecting my materials. These are great indeed, but I shall make them greater.

Glass, sandy Earth made smooth by Fire.
This Green Tourmaline shall compliment the Glass.
The Pink Tourmalines shall stand as a contrast.
The Dog is a known and loyal companion to all Dwarves.
The Groundhog lives deep in the Earth, crafting tunnels.
As do the Giant Cave Spiders, weaving their webs.
What they have left behind shall now encircle.
There is Iron in Limonite.
Some have said the spirits of the Dwarves were cast in Iron.
So these menacing spikes shall show that spirit.
But the centerpiece of the table shall catch the eyes.
At the center will be the Fire Agates.
Red like the flames and the glow of the magma beneath us.
Red like the sand that surrounds us.
Red like the blood of our enemies.
Red like Gemclod.
From this Fire Agate, I will recreate Gemclod from the very beginning.
It was the founding of this great fortress that made us the masters of the swamp.
And thus, I shall call this work Atolkon.

Tag Plastic...I know you cannot see this, but it is for you. On this day you turn one year old. I know the Arrogant Ones will not kill you, instead they will try to convert you to their way of life.
Though I cannot show you this table, already the other dwarves whisper of it's splendor. The merchants have seen it; they shall tell the dwarves in the other mountain homes. From there, word shall spread wider. The humans will hear of it, and so will the Goblins, Kobolds, and both the Forest and High Elves.
And then you shall hear of Atolkon. At the center of this table is my message for you; return home. Do not let your spirit be broken by the Arrogant Ones. When they drop their guard, flee. Flee from their villages, and return to Gemclod. Gemclod is your home. Our home.
Tag Plastic...grow strong and please return to me.
I eagerly await that day.
Bad Munki wrote :-

Journal of Bad Munki, Great Sage of Gemclod
Perhaps winter? The air does not burn my skin as much these days.
Where is it? I must find it. All of Gemclod is at stake. If I left it in the caverns below, we may all perish as the dangerous beasts there claim it for their own. Worse still would be if it had been lost in the swamp, and is now in the foul hands of the Arrogant Ones. I must keep searching. Assuming it has been
lost will do us no good at all,
and will only guarantee all our
deaths. For the
sake of Gemclod, I must find it!!
If I
do not succeed, I fear the smith
will ruin