1st Obsidian 267, Late Winter
“Greetings, Council of Will. Today is that fateful day, in which we shall decide the fate of Gemclod’s future, if only for the next year. I see Bad Munki could not make it. Perhaps he already knew the outcome and realized he wouldn’t be needed?”
The low murmur of polite laughter filled the room.
“But wait, he isn’t the only one missing. Where is Leperfish?”

The guards standing about the room craned their spines even more at attention.
“Find the missing overseer. His presence is required.” Once they rushed out the room, I turned back to the dwarves seated around the table.
“I guess we must proceed without him. I’m sure he’ll figure things out when he arrives.”
“Anyway! Today is the day we decide the next overseer. First, we shall make the nominations. I need not remind you that we are still at war! At war with three nations: the elves who fight with wood, the elves who fight with metal, and the goblins! We therefore require someone who not only has experience leading, but has experience leading soldiers. I therefore nominate Repelex. She has spent years in service to Gemclod, including leading our brave Knives of Domination, who were vital to many- if not all- our victories.”
The murmur returned, but this time it was more hostile.
“And have another year of everyone marching about nonstop like soldiers? Unlike you, we have families and friends!” cried out YeOldeButchere. The murmur grew to a din, drawing energy from the dwarf, approving of her, and she only seemed to draw strength from it in return.
“And what about the promise of steel you made? Here it’s been over six months since you claimed you would expand the works, yet just today I saw someone wearing a hat of wood! Is this how you’ll send us to our deaths?”
Hoots and cheers erupted from the crowd. YeOldeButchere stood atop her seat, towering over me.
“No, no more. No more will we tolerate your tyranny. We no longer fear your ‘men.’ Not even dwarves anymore!” It was hard to hear; dwarves were pounding the table in a delirium.
“Council, choose me, and I will give you what this ‘man’ couldn’t! I will give you steel! I will give you protection! I will give you something other than a sure death!”
The Council voted overwhelmingly for YeOldeButchere to be my successor right then and there.
I fell back in my chair, feeling the sting of defeat for the first time since Enzer died. “Very well. I will prepare a report to ease the transition from my power to yours. I will give it at a special session on the last day of this month.” I smiled weakly up at the dwarf. “Congratulations.”