Journal of Yeol I, Legendary Armorer and Emperor of All Dwarves
20th Yeol 268
Today I was informed that there was some magma in the "hall of heroes".

Magma shouldn't be there.
Upon closer inspection, it turns out that just above the hall of heroes there's a door holding back torrents of molten flaming death.

In typical Gemclod fashion...

I'm not sure if it leaked or someone tried to open it or what, but from now on that door stays locked.
This place is a deathtrap.
23rd Yeol 268
A massive campaign of deforestation is underway to clear the entirety of outter Gemclod of all trees.

It's partly because we've exhausted the wood supply left by previous overseers and it pays to be prepared in case of siege, and partly because I want to make the elves cry.
Also someone's been moving more barrels outside, or maybe it's the same one from last time that just moved around by itself, I don't know.
7th Sandstone 268
Migrants! More soldiers for Gemclod's glorious armies. They are:
White-Devil, Surgeon

spacejung, Jeweler (assigned to the East Pulleys)

JosephWongKS, Soap Maker (assigned to the Blanketed Helms)

Vander, Leatherworker (assigned to the Laborious Worth)

Octavian, Woodworker (assigned to the Laborious Worth)

Male Man, Suturer

Hats for Rabbits, Potash Maker (assigned to the Laborious Worth)
Octavian wrote :-

Journal of Octavian Galleychapels, 2nd Timber 268
So here I am at Gemclod, and I'm beginning to think this place may not be the paradise I was led to believe.
Through dangerous terrain, across the territories of any number of hostile peoples, all under the monstrous sun, only to find out that this last great citadel of the Famous Palisade is in a fetid Mondul-forsaken swamp! And, of course, the moment I arrive, I'm greeted by a grim corpse-lined road, and immediately ushered into a quite-frankly sinister "welcome room." The worst indignity is that I was drafted into the military, despite the fact that a tree-decimation drive is underway while I tried to tell the overseer that I'm a woodcutter! But, I get the feeling I'd better not go on too much about the overseer...
Overall, though? I suppose this place is not too bad. The Great Architect has started on a grand Design, and I'm certainly enjoying meeting new people. And, a great Tradition of music has started here, which almost makes up for the fact that I've been recently told not to worry that "just a little bit of magma" is seeping into the fortress.