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Journal of Yeol I, Legendary Armorer and Emperor of All Dwarves
14th Timber 268
So. Siga. Or at least that's what they call it. I think it was Bad Munki who started screaming that name while in one of his "trances". As far as I know that might be the name of his favorite sock, but whatever.

Yeah, maybe you should get out of there Chariot, I don't know.
First armed dwarf to get there was nielsm. A rather mediocre macedwarf with questionable gear.

Siga was more interested with chasing after a cow (why do we have cows in the tombs?), so nielsm had to chase it.

She bashed it in the leg pretty good.

And that apparently caused Siga to release some sort of gas.

Didn't seem to have any effect on nielsm, who kept giving it a nice massage. With her mace. A mace-age, if you will.

Atomikus had arrived by then, with far better equipment. The two dwarves surrounded Siga, and Atomikus took a swing with her axe.

Siga wasn't happy about this and lashed at nielsm pretty badly.

Atomikus used that opening.

Wait, that's it? That's all an ageless creature from the deepest parts of the world can do? HA! Suck it.
The weirdest thing is that both nielsm and Atomikus reported that it was apparently choking on its own gas, while it didn't do anything for them. Maybe it was looking for someone to put it out of its misery. It came to the right place then.
Assuming that nielsm remembers to check in the hospital and our doctors prove somewhat competent, it'll be another flawless victory for the Empire of Gemclod.
Bad Munki wrote :-

Journal of Bad Munki, Great Sage of Gemclod
Today, yesterday, tomorrow...all are as one
Well that wasn't so bad.
I admit, I may have 
