Journal of Yeol I, Legendary Armorer and Emperor of All Dwarves
2nd Timber 268
Alright. I think the fire has been extinguished.

I blame Klokwurk for this whole debacle.
4th Timber 268
Some of the dwarves were pretty vocal about their disapproval of the elfcinerator. "Why should be get rid of the piles of rotting corpses that stink up the place and serve no purpose?" Well, here's one:

Clouds of boiling elf blood. Or fat. Clouds of some sort of elven fluids anyway.
The point is, I think that boiling your enemies' blood is even more hardcore than having their corpses in piles along a road. And far more hygienic. Probably.
7th Timber 268
I've decided it's about time we get started exploring the caverns under Gemclod. Partly because I feel like it would be valuable experience for our military, and partly because I'm bored.
Now, as eager as I am to open the forge door and have the entire fortress torn to shreds by 50 jabberers riding dragons that breathe fire and spit spiders, I'm going to err on the side of caution.

I'll have stairs dug outside the walls of Gemclod, so that whatever abomination(s) we end up unleashing will still have to siege our walls after it slaughters the entire expedition squad. Plus, there's a chance that it'll encounter some elves roaming the swamps and slaughter them too.
I wonder if a voracious cave crawler can eat an entire grizzly bear in one piece.
8th Timber 268
The caves have been breached. The Crystals of Legend are ordered to assemble at the stairs of certain doom.
The stairs haven't led to any doom yet, but I might as well name them that right now and avoid wasting time renaming them later.
10th Timber 268
I guess I was a bit hasty in my last entry. A few scouts went and came back, reporting that very little doom was forthcoming in that section of the cavern. I guess we'll have to dig deeper than that, or maybe have the miners dig tunnels of our own to get between the different parts of the cave system.
All in all, disappointed.
12th Timber 268
Cavern exploration will have to be put on hold until we find a way to deal with all the vegetation blocking the tunnels.

Apparently the soldiers sent so far are unwilling to use their axes or other weapons to cut a way, claiming that it's the job of a woodcutter. I think they're scared. Still, there's no reason to fight with them over trivial matters like these so I'll send a woodcutter down there.
Also Boing ended some mandate or another. She seemed really excited when she told me, so I'm guessing the war on imaginary enemies is going well.
13th Timber 268
Dwarven caravan and a diplomat were sighted today.

Hopefully they'll make it inside safely and have some thread or cloth or clothing for us.
I also hope tha-
What the hell is all that screaming about?

Oh dear.
(Archiver's note: to remind everyone who Siga was, let me copy&paste this picture:)
Sirocco wrote :-
Bad Munki wrote :-

Journal of Bad Munki, Great Sage of Gemclod
Probably still this year
This may be my final entry. The future
clouded even unto me.
I could not find it in time.
I searched
high and low,
to no
avail, and so now the time I feared
upon us.
the gods
cucka wrote :-

He comes now. He comes from the blackness.
I can feel it. I am miles and miles from Gemclod still, but I can FEEL it. In the Armok accursed air, in the trees, and in the rumbles of the Earth.
They dug too greedily. They dug too far.
Armok help them.
Ah weh, but still I walk.
This is year 268, and I may be walking to my doom. But still I walk, and I stand true, tell your dead gods thankya.