2 Malachite 263
The smelters have run out of fuel (save one bar of charcoal that I have Forbidden use save in an emergency). I am loathe to interrupt the miners as they complete already designated mineworks, but it may be necessary to drive exploratory shafts for more coal or lignite. A vein of bituminous coal is exposed in the area of the farm and cistern water channel, and lignite is exposed at the base of the ramp leading down to the Great Hall's entrance, so I contemplated running shafts from those points.

Ore shafts follow ore, though, and are therefore not pleasing to the Great Architect's eye. This makes extraction on the same level as the Great Hall undesirable.
So I met again with Markus to discuss the issue. As I anticipated he was not enthusiastic about running unpredictable mining-tunnels across the main level but then he pointed to another exposed vein, on the great hall's eastern wall one level below our observation-offices.

That is the level on which we planned bedrooms. Markus suggested cutting a balcony on both sides of the hall. Then bedrooms behind; the design will remove much stone and therefore ore.

It is not as good as simply following a vein and cutting out all of the ore available but it is better than nothing. It will also give Mehuyael access to the second level for smoothing without the need of scaffolding.
We concentrated on drawing plans. In the mean-time I sent orders to make a small batch of charcoal from wood. Mr. Vile has kept appraising trees and the wood stockpile contains 12 logs; with barrel production suspended (we have over 50 spare barrels) the only draw on the wood stockpile is Vox Nihili's bedmaking labors.
There is of course the magma. When the time comes we can use it for furnaces and smelters and will need no more coke. A modest supply of coal therefore should suffice.
4 Malachite 263
K0npeito and goatface (who is on break from his military duties) dig below to finish the storerooms, but Star Guarded and Perfect Potato have already begun work on the balconies.

Markus suggested they are eager to enhance the Great Hall but I suspected they prefer to mine the soft mudstone over the hard rock in the lower levels.
As we watched, goatface and K0npeito arrived from below to join them even though the store rooms are not quite finished.

Atomikus persists in attempting to fish the sweltering swamp, despite no edible creature ever being caught there yet. While off-duty a miltiadwarf must keep busy but aside from fishing her only other skills are the making of soap and the setting of bones. We need neither (there is no lye nor fat for soap) so I will not begrudge her attempts to fish.

7 Malachite 263
Yesterday I went and stood on the new western balcony and Supervised. After a while the miners returned to the lower workings. I do not think they enjoy being Supervised.
While cutting one of the new staircases down to the storage rooms, K0npeito struck platinum!

It is the first precious metal located at Gemclod. The staircase is not on a level otherwise planned by Markus so it will be no issue to follow the platinum. But the wealth must wait for there are extensive diggings needed first.
11 Malachite 263
Today while idling in the Great Hall, the wastrel “hunting peasant” Boing ceased to perform her normal activity of loitering and taking up space. All know the signs; she has been overtaken by a Mood. She scampered up the ramps to claim the craftsdwarf's workshop, which has stood idle since we ran out of bones this spring.

I can scarcely contain my excitement at the prospect of another of the useless dwarves becoming useful, but these moods are always a risk.
12 Malachite 263
The dwarves observe without interrupting Boing. Today she went below to claim a malachite stone and then a hematite stone, whereupon she began her work!
Mehuyael smooths stone below and I think it will not be long before he understands that shortly Boing will be the fortresses' stone crafter. Assuming of course that Boing will be willing to perform a labor when asked.
I had only just gone below to resume Supervising the mining when a cry came from above so I ran back thinking it was too soon for Boing to have finished her labor.
But instead it was the herbalists Elswyyr and Gomegoth who were gathering plants south of the entrance. They have spotted a Jaguar.
I thought it was the same Jaguar as before but those with good eyes for the sun say not.

I order that the Jaguar is to be ignored unless it stalks any dwarf.
13 Malachite 263
I supervised mining. The nontraditional food and drink storage and kitchen and distillery area is being worked. Miners are fickle and will wander between designated workings at will with no regard to finishing one thing before starting the next. Yet one must not yell or they will shirk entirely.

Only four tiles remain to complete the last of the storerooms below the great hall. I did not wait and designated most of the space for the new stockpiles. The upper rooms will hold furniture and finished goods while the lower rooms will hold raw materials for workshops, and also unused armor and weapons.
With two of the workshop rooms finished I requested plans for a new gem workshop and a new leatherworks from Markus. When these are complete we will remove the corresponding above-ground workshops. Eventually only the workshops which produce refuse will be left above.
17 Malachite 263
Boing returned to society to display her completed artwork: it is a hematite bracelet of sublime quality!
She called it Lecadilrom Vushalis which means Cleanpeaked the Hot Kiss. When she announced this her husband Willie Tomg turned crimson and the two subsequently sought privacy. I did not understand but later Enzer explained. It is not a subject for discussion in the Overseer's journal.

[ed: I am certain she took at least one stone of malachite but there is nothing but hematite in her artifact. I dunno if it's a bug or what but it's amusing anyway; knowing artists, it seems all manner of materials get used up that never make it into the final work.
The Jaguar is reported to have crossed the stream. I did not recall the herbalists and tree appraiser yet. Let the Jaguar show its intentions. I will not tolerate its games.

20 Malachite 263
YeOldeButchere complained loudly of no coal to forge an iron mail shirt. I checked and no charcoal has been made from wood as ordered.
It is because no dwarf has any skill in making charcoal and no dwarf is assigned the task. I do not know how this is possible because some dwarf must have made charcoal before.
I demanded explanation but no dwarf will admit to making charcoal before. I yelled but to no result.
I reviewed the records and saw that ZeeToo is the furnace operator. He is an Expert furnace operator. I found ZeeToo in the Great Hall on his way up to the surface. He claimed to be going to “smelt limonite ore” although with no fuel that task will be impossible. I asked him why he did not make charcoal and he claimed that was not furnace work. I asked where charcoal is made and he said at the wood furnace.
I asked how the wood furnace was not a furnace and he said it was a furnace but the Tradition is that charcoal-making is farm work and not furnace work! I told him the making of charcoal was now furnace work and instructed he was to make charcoal from now on.
ZeeToo resisted this compromise but I explained that at times Tradition must be supplanted for practical reasons and that if I made TyrantSabre burn charcoal he would likely burn himself, having no experience with furnaces. ZeeToo clicked his tongue and then said that I was the authority and he would make charcoal.
23 Malachite 263
The balconies are finished.

I ordered the rest of the walls of the Great Hall on that level smoothed. Likewise the stockrooms and workshop rooms are complete, and both jewelers' workshop and leatherworks are built. In the last completed workshop room I ordered a new craftsdwarfshop. I hope to thereby entice Boing to work.
The Jaguar wanders the western swamps and stalks no dwarf. I pointedly pay no heed to the creature.
I observed Star Guarded milking a donkey at the farmer's workshop.

Pig tails, sweet pods, and rock nuts are planted, and also one plump helmet spawn, and I saw that one sweet pod already grew.

I did not see TyrantSabre but as I was examining the farms the orphan Samuszoomer entered and harvested the sweet pods! I gave her praise and she startled at being addressed and uttered profanities but seemed cheerful so I took no offense.

28 Malachite 263
The miners have completed all designated work. I ordered the construction of a new kitchen and still and indicated the new stockpiles for food and drinks.

Markus and I finalized the initial bedroom complex. It is not Traditional and does not make the optimal use of space but Markus is enthusiastic and I find the design pleasing.
28 rooms will be doorless and 32 will have doors. All rooms will have three tiles which is sufficient for any non-noble. Once the regular rooms are done we will design larger rooms for nobles.

Outside, the Jaguar stalks past swampy pools and emits unpleasant yowls at night, as if to mock me.
dreamy wrote :-

News from the hole in the swamp; alledgedly another artifact has been created there. Their latest design is described as a hematite bracelet, all craftsdwarfship is of the highest quality. It is encircled with bands of hematite. The object menaces with spikes of hematite.

There have been rude jokes because of it's unusual name "Cleanpeaked the Hot Kiss", but those do not befit the written word.
Apparently the hole in the swamp is called Gemclod. An axtract from the free dwarven dictionary:
1. A pearl or mineral that has been cut and polished for use as an ornament.
a. Something that is valued for its beauty or perfection: a little gem of a book.
b. A beloved or highly prized person.
3. A type of muffin.
1. A lump or chunk, especially of earth or clay.
2. Earth or soil.
3. A dull, stupid person; a dolt.
Pozzo wrote :-

gONE thInky. T H I N K I N G meANT.
head. head. HEAd. Head.
my BRaim. Brain.
these goddamn
these damn beakdogs