3 Galena 263
The miners cut tunnels for the bedrooms. There were snickers and mutterings when I showed them the plans but today I noticed K0npieto and Star Guarded work side-by-side with intense focus. I perceive that Star Guarded appreciates the complexity in the design and K0npeito competes to prove he is also equal to the task.

I gave orders to shift goods down to their new stockpiles; hauling is for every able-bodied dwarf that finds himself idle.
Except Locomotive Breath, Boing, and Willie Tomg. These three refuse work. However Pozzo I spied harvesting sweet pods in the farm! I considered asking if her compatriots knew she was working but thought better of it.

Perhaps it was Pozzo that taught Samuszoomer to harvest?
Thinking to entice Boing to try the new craftsdwarfshop, I wrote work chits for a few stone crafts.

9 Galena
life_source makes stone crafts.

They are well-crafted or even finely crafted but not extraordinary. Boing is never to be found in the lower levels. I do not think she has even seen the new workshop Markus designed.
10 Galena
The Jaguar slunk away to the north. I have deduced that if we refuse to engage in its clever games a Jaguar will lose interest in time. I gave orders that no dwarf is to pursue any Jaguar.
12 Galena
The miners have been efficient. The entire western bedroom wing is excavated after less than two weeks and they only now begin work on the eastern wing.

Markus counted 28 new beds are made so I ordered furnishing to begin immediately.
15 Galena
30 rooms have beds. With the beds on the surface that is enough for every dwarf. We are short of doors, so I ordered more. Then I recalled the task is mine as the only dwarf at Gemclod with any skill in masonry. I took the work order chits down to my workshop and carved doors which was a private enjoyment. When I sit in the office dwarves come to complain every day but when I labor I am not interrupted.

I contemplated the wisdom of the Tradition that dictates an Overseer serves only one year.
Later I went to the surface to observe Minty and Slaan spar. Each wore superior quality iron mail shirts proudly over other armors and garments. I ordered iron helms made which will please YeOldeButchere.

23 Galena
Idle dwarves brought news YeOldeButchere has created a masterpiece! It is an iron helm.

When I went to see it she was smug. I am not discomfited because Enzer's head will be wrapped in iron when next she battles a grunion.
K0npeito labors alone to finish the eastern wing.

It will be complete before the end of Galena but bed and door production lags. I will order more workshop rooms but they will not take long. Before my term as Overseer is complete, I intend three more projects that together will assure Gemclod's success.
28 Galena
The bedrooms are done.

I drew plans for mining that runs deep. Managing coal is tiresome and with magma, unnecessary. If we will brave the dangers of the caverns (and I know that we will, the dwarves thirst for it) then let it be for magma first. There, YeOldeButchere will forge steel hauberks and axes and gauntlets for the militia who must protect Gemclod from whatever dwells in the caverns.