An Elf! A living, breathing Elf! Oh Mondul, I never dreamed that I would see one so close.

Such grace! Such beauty! Such an ungodly mess if the military ever gets their hands on it. I'm having a room for it excavated right now, but it'll all be for nothing if it manages to escape. For now I'm ordering that nobody is to touch the cage, at least until the enclosure is finished and I work out a way to get it in there safely.

This is not the time.

Goblins? Are you fucking kidding me? Did you not see the gigantic army of elves we just slaughtered? Are you not seeing the road paved with corpses out front?
Minty, go smash!


Minty. That was a figure of a speech. You don't literally have to kill them all yourself. What the fuck is wrong with you?

...I meant that in the nicest possible way, of course.
Anyway, that's one less distraction from my Elf, but I'd better keep an eye out for more. Goblins may be stupid, but even they can see attacking a fortress like this with one group is suicide.
Is that a campfire?

A campfire in the middle of nowhere, with no sign of anything to light it, sending huge billowing smoke symbols that anyone can see from miles away. Not even Goblins are that stupid. In fact, only one creature in the world is stupid enough to do that.
Minty! Trolls! Kill!

Hands up everyone who was surprised by this turn of events.

Good boy.
I think Minty's reputation must be getting around. The trolls actually started running away before he even got to them.

They didn't get far. Well, bits of them got quite a long way. That head must have flown a good thirty feet.

They ran into another group of goblins on the way back to the fortress, and what they did to them is just humiliating.

I'm pretty sure Minty is no longer bound by the actual laws of physics.

And as for Nimby, it's just possible that she terrifies me even more than Minty. They got back to the fortress without spotting any more, but I'd bet my beard there's more skulking about somewhere.

Why would this happen. Is it really that hard to remember to feed patients? Can they just not find them under the buckets?
Either way, since I'll probably end up in hospital myself at some point I've ordered Adus and Apocadall to do nothing but tend to patients. I've also set up Commatoes's room as a disabled ward to keep them out of the main hospital. The Baron is now being kept company by Daeran, and if the last two months have been anything to go by he'll have plenty more company before long.

The basic room for the Elf has been excavated. While the room is being engraved I shall devise a way to keep it from escaping. Even a clear glass door leaves me with a limited view of the elf from my bedroom, so perhaps some sort of training is in order to condition it against escape. Perhaps if I -

Oh no. It can't be. It can't be.
Bene Elim wrote :-

Blood rain season. Main hall.
I miss Pozzo.
Operation Lush was the most fun I've had since arriving at Gemclod. Constant, joyous work under a very plesant ladydwarf. Times were good.
Now all I have to do is haul and clean like some common peasant. I suppose Mr Vile is a 'good' leader. There haven't been many deaths, and none through stupid accidents (yet). Food is grown, booze is drunk, mines are dug, but this is a man-dorfs world. Life under Pozzo was a Mishosian paradise. We got a few days off for the monthly spore, dating groups (however unsucessful) and a Barony-led childcare service.
Now there is only manly grunt work. Stone shaping, smoothing, digging, butchering, killing. Even the creche has gone, turned into a room of the waiting dead. Where will the beardlings play now?
I took a peek at the list of potential leaders earlier. There's still a few names above mine, but most have been very quiet recently. I think the only dwarf in my way is the mad 'SCIENTIST'. My time will come...
OrangeSoda wrote :-

Journal of OrangeSoda Kolvukrig, Trader:
Again and again my demands for even a MODEST little manor by the depot are rejected! Perhaps these peasants are unsure of what one is! As if that was not bad enough, the merchants never arrived as scheduled. It seems they were slaughtered before they even got here.
The nerve! If perhaps these so-called guards would lift a finger to help someone else for a change, I could practice my trade once more! Alas, the overseer is more focused on his digging and laughing. Always with the cackling, then the sobbing! It keeps me up at night, I can hear it through the stone walls. I care not what this..lord of filth is doing in his office, I just wish her would be quiet for once!