From 3/10/271 to 3/26/271

Red_Mage's corpse was exhumed today to see if the Vile Flood had effect on its decomposition.

Tyskil has made a chain out of gems. Still not sure if he's under Hunter control or not. Looks pretty, though.

It turns out that patients had be dieing not do to poor medical care, but because someone (Most likely Mr.Vile) had locked the doors of the hospital rooms. After some lever pulling, this was amended.

If you think you're seeing ghosts at the bar, you're drink to much. Or to little. I forget how it works with us.



A lone Marksdarf has charged the cavalry line... with predictable results.

She made it to the back of the fortress before bleeding to death.

nimby and Deki corner a goblin cavalier...

... and do their work on him

We just go word that nimby has been badly injured, but still fights on.

Deki is being gang up on by the calvary. nimby fights her way through the hoard to reach her partner.

THIS JUST IN! Minty has been critically while fighting the leader of the raid to the north!

nimby paunches through only to find she's too late for Deki.

or Minty for that mater.

Minty's partner Kikka was quick to join the dead. A death order has been sent out on the raid leader.

As the Fortress Guard, who had been redeployed from Project D to deal with the goblin menace, approached the hill that the leader was next to, they were met by a second wave consisting of goblin archers.
Death Reports skyrocketed.

All we know was it started with Professor Bling.

Despite now having a good chunk of her leg gone, nimby takes on the brunt of a goblin force. And lives.

After hours of battle, Troll reinforcements show up.

But they are to late. Most of they're goblin masters have ever died, got captured, or fled.

Charlie72 states that the battle was a great success, saying,"This proves superior technology can overcome any odds." He claims the losses were do to "The Vile administration not instituting a rations system or informing me there wasn't one."
Later today he announced that he will be taking custody of Boing's (now orphaned) children.
Official Death Tally:
John Charity Spring
Professor Bling
They're contributions shall be missed.
Yah, a lot of dorfs died this time. I might just post the Therapist list and if you're dwarfs not on there and not a baby, you died here.
I think two things caused this tragedy...
1) I had the dorfs attack the ambushers directly rather then having them hold up near the fortress entrance.
2) Ration were no set. Boing's squad suffered the worst casualties and they were the most hunger due to guarding Project D for about 3 months.
nimby is still kicking. If she makes it to a hospital she'll get a medal of honor and a mountain of PDSD.
Kenning wrote :-
In shock at the loss of Gemclod's mightiest warriors, a dwarf takes a stone guitar left over from the Bad Munki days and composes a song of lament, and of protest.

(Click here for lyrics)
PublicOpinion wrote :-
Minty Starcrypt the Moral Shrine of Courage is dead; long live Minty Starcrypt.

The most important thing to remember is that beakdogs have rainbow stripes.
Tujague wrote :-
ElPottoGrande posted:

(music added by Krysmphoenix)
1. O Armok
Armok most holy
Armok God of Blood
I barely know where to start
2. For more than a turn of Thy Wheel
For all of Thy Seasons and one
Thy children prospered and did great deeds
Like a rainbow in the dark
dooooo dah-dah DAH DAHHHHH
3. Heroes rose in Thy Sight
Minty Starcrypt the Moral Shrine of Courage
Nimby the Paintordered Oak Something the Something Badass
Strode the field of honor, O Armok
And dropped a nuclear bomb of genocide-level violence tornados
Directly into the face of all the world's dismemberment and ass kicking
Are You picking up what I'm putting down
I could go into the eye-chopping madness in detail if You want
No? Okay good
4. Great Works were in Thy Name done
Armok most holy
Your children mastered the crocodiles
They that are known as 'Beak Squirrels' of old
Builded we them a great and gilded cage
Behold when you bang on the glass
They freak out ha ha ha
In Thy will
5. With Thy aid was forged
A helmet that was so tough
That drunken Deki lay on the field
And yea, the Goblin could not part his brains
No you were drunk
Don't lie bro
And in Thy presence, heirlooms of Thy house were forged
Figurines of divine craft and cables of shining gems
Armok, God of Blood
6. But Your children grew prideful, O Armok
We did labor for the glory of ourselves and not Thee
We did spurn Thy Word and Thy Will
Dwarves came forth with words of Science on their beaks
Elves were taken to the bedchamber
The day of Project D had come
We were going off the rails on the crazy train
7. For pages in Thy thread, posts did turn to shit
Your faithful did write "I think blah blah about blah blah!"

Well guess what
The Creatrix of the Figurine and He of the Helmet are dead
Minty and Nimby have been struck down
They are tearing whole armies to rags in Heaven now
And ripping a guy's arm off and choking his friend with it
While biting out his eyeball and shit
Up there with You
O Armok most holy
8. Thy vengeance trancendeth the firmament
From Thy wrath our overseers do flood the joint
From the darkness come ogres to ravish and choke us
Yea, you heard me
Our soldiers do forget their strength together
And one by one in their pride find death
Their angry spirits course among us still
You gotta lay them up before charging bro
For Armok's sake
9. Once more, Armok God of Blood, we hear Thy Word
Once more Your children sin against You
And find their holdings beshrunken
Once more Your faithful must remand the people
Get you your hands from the elf remove
And from your butthole your head
Sinners, thou buildeth a bridge of pain
To an island of hurt
10. Behold the Word of Armok
Behold the Word of the God of Blood
String up the two or three worst infidels
And Buildeth in thy shame a temple
Five times a staff of five cubits to a side
With an ark thing and a butcher's shop of gold
Sacrifice there to Armok and beg forgiveness
Don't fear the reaper
11. PS Here you go Knockknees
You went out like a G
Now you're famous
Bad Munki wrote :-

Journal of Bad Munki, Great Sage of Gemclod
We're still here? What year is it?

are my

AJ_Impy wrote :-

Journal of AJ_Impy Idashushrir, Agent Firesnake
This is a secret journal encoded in a high elven cypher on shale microfiche. All craftsdwarfship is of mediocre quality.
They're dead! The adamantine-clad monsters that guard Gemclod are dead! Deg's bountiful bargain basement of amazing special offers be praised, something finally took the worst ones out of action! I have no idea who, or what, or why. I don't have a clue what could have slowed them down, let alone stopped them.
I am so totally taking all the credit for this with my superiors.
Charlie72 wrote :-
Minty posted:
yeah I know how obnoxious these sorts of requests are but could you post Minty's post-mortem description and kill list? it is for a project im working on dont ask what the project is!!!!!!

I would show you his last battle, but apparently, Dwarf Fortress erases old reports when you exit,