Krysmphoenix wrote :-
Battlehymn of Gemclod
Key: Eb minor
Metre: 6/8
I'm not really sure why this came to mind, a battlehymn for the dwarves to sing right before a battle. But the idea stuck in my head for such a long time, that I had to do something with it or I would feel upset that I couldn't do something with it. Much like a Fey Mood.
I've written a little music on my own, mostly for a MIDI Composition class I happened to be taking at the time this LP started. You can find it on my tindeck page, since I wanted to share those with my family. For me I've always considered the hardest part to be writing the full part of the song, because I can pull a melody out of nowhere pretty easily.
My original intention was to just write some lyrics for Sirocco do work his magic on, but I had to keep a meter in there as well to make it easier to write music to. And as I was reciting it to check on that, I came up with a melody. I was waaaaay too lazy to write other parts to go with the melody, especially because I don't consider my composition skills to be that good. So I just included the melody I had in my mind when I passed it on to the thread.
...yeah, I'm not sure how it ended up in Eb minor. When I sing stuff, I don't think of what key it's in, I just think if it's major or minor, and what I had was definitely minor. So when I tossed it into my MIDI program, somehow I ended up with a lot of flats because I copied it to match pitch for pitch what was in my mind. This amuses me, because the last melody I remember tossing into MIDI ended up in C minor, which happens to be Beethoven's favorite key. Apparently my mind really loves flats.