"Right troops, here's an idea. When the beakdog is charging towards you, try stepping out of the way. Then you might not get knocked to the ground and torn apart.

"Oh. Hello, Markus. I meant what I said about standing down you know. What do you want?"
"I'd like to join up."
"Ok, I'll see what.....wait, what?"
"I said I'd like to join up."
"Right. Just had to check I'd heard that right. Why the hell do you want to join?"

"I have my reasons."
"Ok. Do you have any weaponry skills?"
"After chiseling designs for so many years, I like to think I have some skill with the Hammer. I also spilled high elf blood under Minty."

"Very well. I'll place you in command of the New Paints. Congratulations, Captain Vabokcuggan."
"Thank you, Commander."


Ok... Overseeing alone...
It's not so bad.
I can do this.
Can't I?

Waaaaaaaaah! What the hell is that?!

Oh gods, it's hideous!

As if we needed another reason to lock down 
The Trolls outside are continuing their vandalism.

It's very rude of them.

Especially when they start knocking wooden axles into lava pools. Luckily the smoke isn't getting inside the fortress, but the smell of rotten elf burning is quite noxious.
Although the smell doesn' seem to be putting off young Dipwood.

It seems he got startled by the Goblin we have on the roof and dropped his meal.

Mmmmmmm, masterwork food...
Damn nice meal...
Problem is that every time he goes back for it, he gets startled by the goblin, and goes charging down the stairs again.
Then he remembers he's hungry and goes back for the same damn meal again, screeching about the whole ordeal every time it happens.
I'm starting to see why Atomikus gave up on this.
Mayor GolfCart is demanding trinkets.

Do we even have trifle pewter?

Apparently we do!
You would not believe the stack of stone tablets I had to go through to find that.
I may as well sort the stack out while I'm at it.
Oh, now that is an interesting tablet...
"What is the meaning of this?"

"I...it's a standard trade document. Just something we're ordered to give out."
"Ordered?! You mean the King still lives?"
"In a manner of speaking..."
"King Bomrek died shortly after Markus's group left. As did his successor, and the successor after that."
"And after that?"
"King Penguin. He went on the run, hid, stayed alive. Told us to give out that slab. He's trying to find the Famous Palisade a safe new home."
"By the gods..."
"He sent a Liaison to all the surviving outposts to keep watch. When the list is filled, we can get word to him."
"Ok, the architecture I understand, the trade goods I get, but why in Deg's unholy name does he need roads?"
"Roads go above ground. It is Tradition. If a Fortress can build roads, then it can stand up against the Elves, and if it can stand against the Elves..."
"Then it is safe to host the King. Thank you, liaison, you have been most helpful."
Right, back to the office. I need to make some plans!
Oh what in the name of Mishos...

Why is my office flooding?

Why is my office attached to the river?
Why is this only happening now?
I guess those Trolls must have done more damage than I thought.
Damnit, I can't be dealing with this now. There's plenty of other offices.
What I do need is that Architect...
Right, let's try this again...

Kudust damnit... Tyskil. What needs killing?
What? Nothing.
Then piss off, we're busy.
Oh come off it. Where's Markus? Last I heard he was up here.
You mean Captain Vabokcuggan? He's two rooms up with the New Paints.
What the hell? You know what, it doesn't matter. I need some architecture done. I'll bring him back soon.
Well tough. I've removed the troops from the work force.

I won't release him to you, but as a Captain he is free to take work on his own. Go talk to him.
Markus? Can I have a word?
Of course, Overseer, but could you keep it quick, I'm trying to train.
Ok. I need you to do some design work for me.
Oh, I don't do that any mo...
What in earth?

PublicOpinion wrote :-