
Sorry, Markus, but I'm afraid I'm going to have to retire you.
I understand. Thank you for your support.

One captain down. Time to find a replacement.
Only an idiot would take that role after the Beardman incident.


I've ordered Beardman memorialized with all haste. With luck, we can put him to rest before he strikes again.

I think the slab will go best near the butchery. The others may call this 'special treatment', but I'm willing to do all I can for a ghost who can rip a Dwarf's arm off.

Oh Armok help us...

Can the fools not see the Goblins? Or the Beakdogs?
I daren't open the gate.
The poor fools won't make it anywhere near the gatehouse anyway.

Probably just as well. They had very strange names.

The child Wwen has joined his family in Dwarfhallah this day.

Alas that he falls, not to the might of his foe or the perils of 'inginuity', but the drawn out indignity of madness.
Oh dear...

This is rather concerning.
Not only is Schneeble an adult, but he is a fully armed and armoured Hammerdwarf.

Fortunately, he doesn't seem to hold any grudge against his squadmates.
Unfortunately, it seems he does have some kind of grudge against Lord Joebles, who still lies crippled in hospital.

That was horrible...
Brains everywhere...
I don't even know what set him off. He'd lost a wife and child recently, but Wwen wasn't one of his.
Perhaps the loss of even one more Beardling was enough.

Oh Gods, there he goes again!

Luckily, Captain Idiot has him cornered in the barracks this time. The poor bastard will have to be content to beat the walls.

He calms down, this time without incident, but he is becoming increasingly twitchy.
Mistress Overseer, I have a request.
Whatever you need, Markus. How can I help you?
I wish to honour more of the dead than the vengefull and insane. I wish to create a necropolis.
Ok, what do you need?
A suitable space and all the Coffins you can have built.
I'll have the masons start at once, and I'll have the miners dig out a new hall for you.
NO! We should not confine our dead to some draughty forgotten hall. They shall be lain to rest where they can all be remembered; in the Cloud bar.

Shneeble is lost to us.

Like poor Wwen before him, he now roams the halls, jabbering. He still carries his hammer, but he pretty harmless in his current state.
I have asked Atmoikus have him put out of his misery, but such an act is against the Lore.
Poor Schneeble seems doomed to starve to death in some lonely corner.

The trolls have smashed open the door to the Elfcinerator!

See the fools run!
The lava sets light to the any corpse outside, and smoke fills the bailey.

Even spooking some war beasts from hiding. A few fewer enemies is some improvement at least.

You do not use a shield that way! 

More death has come.

This time in Human form.

I guess we'll see how good their guards are.

They stumbled across a fresh ambush group.

The outcome was predictable.
I think they took a few with them, but not nearly enough to send the Greenskins running.
Oh hells.

The Lava flood has filled the trench at the entrance and burned through the drawbridge.

I've ordered one of our new roads suspended, and an emergency wall built to keep back the flow.
It probably won't be needed, but I think Markus would kill me if there was any more damage to the entrance.

Stinking THIEVES! Plundering our riches under cover of siege!

Those bastards will revere those trinkets as holy relics for milenia. Dumb fools.

The lava flood has dammed the river. It'll run dry within weeks.

As if to add to this, the grasses have caught fire.

There's only a small patch going up between the river and road, and another in the bailey. They'll burn out quickly, sadly without any Goblin deaths.
Commander Atomikus, Manager Tyskil, thank you for coming to this meeting.
A pleasure, your Mayorliness.
What the hell do you want?
Long story short; You're fired.
I've found someone competant to fill in until the new year.
We weren't that bad...
Fucking great. I'll be in the barracks. If there's stuff to kill, you know where to come.
Thank you. Oh, one last thing.
I'll be needing some figurines...


Notes to my successor
- Markus is turning the Cloud into a memorial garden. Just make sure he keeps getting his coffin deliveries and leave him to it.
- The lava outside should stop flowing soon. After it goes down we should get a new drawbridge installed.
- I'm still the manager (for now), and I'll do all I can to help. May the gods be at your side.

- Good fucking luck, asshole.