Journal of Bad Munki
21st Slate - 5th Felsite, 266
The work orders indicate Boing's quarters have finally been mostly completed. From my brief time knowing her, I am aware that she apparently has an attachment to grates, which while odd, is not the strangest thing I have heard. With that in mind, I drew up some paperwork to have several floor grates installed in her new quarters in order to better allow the warming heat from below to waft into the rooms. However, not long after the miners cut the holes into the floor, they magma reportedly began seeping up into the room! This is entirely without precedent, and the surveyors claimed in their assessments that this would not happen. Everyone is apparently baffled as to the cause, but from the committee minutes I've seen, nobody is will to take blame for the oversight. Still, the magma flows slowly, and often cools before making it far from the grates. I suspect back room may be abandoned and Boing will simply be installed in the forward half. I will see to it that any formally lodged protests are denied. In any event, she will still receive the heating benefits via the open doorway, so all is as well as it can be.

While I was distracted by the alarming reports of oddly-behaving magma at the construction site, apparently one of our citizens has claimed a mason's workshop and has begun gathering all manner of objects to some unknown end. While working in the craftshop quarry, Konpeito "backed away from the rock, turned about, and marched out of the quarry, without signing out or anything, as if he were possessed," as recorded by Judenhauer, who was gathering materials for her workshop above. Completely against regulation, in any event. Still, he at least had the presence of mind to claim an unoccupied workshop which, as I understand it, is a rarity in these situations.

In the mean time, while updating the stockpile records, I have determined there is a large surplus of usable refuse near the great hall. I initiated a motion for the construction of several more workshops to make use of the large quantity of bones in the garbage heap. This will serve to both increase our wealth, and clear valuable space in the area. I will likely not even have to assist the committee vote in this case.

And since there were workers in the area, I attached a rider including the construction and installation of more statues in the great hall, to help encourage the dwarves who are working in the craftshops. Now, when their long shifts are over, they'll return to the great hall to eat, and they will be inspired by the wonderful sculptures they find there.
Some of the statues were chosen intentionally to inspire great works of art.

Other statues were chosen to remind us of the results of anything less than maximum effort.

However, others were left to the whim of the approving committee. I am not sure who chose the last two, positioned across from each other at the end of the hall nearest the main entrance.

By the time the statues were finished being installed and the refuse-recycling shops were mostly excavated, it was noted that Konpeito had finished collecting items from the various stockpiles and had begun making something he apparently calls "Fotthor Duz."

Of course, nobody has any idea what the final object will be, at least nobody's willing to put their thoughts to the permanent record. All I know is that as soon as he gets this mood out of his system, I will see to it that he promptly finds himself back in the quarry, making up for lost time.
Charlie72 wrote :-

Mad Queen Sleeps In Red Bed. Preparing for (hopefully) final purge. Should take longer than a cycle.
markus_cz wrote :-
So C-Box is a child...

...and Anaxite is her father...

...but who is the mother? I wasn't able to find her amongst the personal screens.
C-BOX wrote :-

Engraved on the wall is a poorly written wanted poster:
Please find mommy, she kept the mean flies away.
nimby wrote :-

A letter from nimby Logemshed
Dear Mother, Praise Be to Sirab!
I am sorry it's taken so long for me to send another letter, but times have been tough in Gemclod. We were besieged by enemies on all sides and I must admit I feared for our lives. This magnificent fortress almost because a magnificent tomb.
On the surface, greenskins wandered with their huge beasts of war. From below, trolls and magma encroached upon us. In the end, Overseer Boing had some lucid moments that shone through her paranoia and through Dwarven Ingenuity we solved our problems.
However, we are now without an Overseer. Tradation dictates an Overseer steps down after a year of rule, but nobody has claimed the position. Still, we continue to toil under this cursed swamp. We've been working on increasing our trade, so that more Dwarves may be convinced to settle here. The swamp may be terrible, but the earth is rich in metals and gems. Perhaps we'll even create an adamtine army to strike back at the Arrogant Ones!
I do have a small complaint about the current situation.... for some reason, it was decided that all soldiers must mine. We should be training, after our most experienced soldiers paid for our safety with their lives! Ah, I suppose the Dwarven Collective Will knows what is best for Gemclod.
Your daughter, nimby Logemshed.
PS: Do you happen to know any good recipes for Jabberer Stew?