Journal of Bad Munki
6th Felsite-18th Felsite, 266
"A Little Friendly Competition"
Sometimes when things don't go according to plan, it works out in our favor. Such is the case with Boing. While waiting for her new quarters to be constructed, I arranged the craftshop draft such that she was included in the initial group of workers. Because of the mysteriously upward-seeping magma we discovered at the site of her future apartments, her re-assignment was delayed. In the mean time, it sounds as though she has developed a bit of a competition with one of her fellow crafters.

In the midst of the flood of "masterpiece" reports, however, I see one that would likely give Boing and life_source pause, but from the reports immediately following it, it appears they are either unaware or don't care.

In any event, because of the impressive output from Boing's workshop, and in light of the failed apartments, I have decided to alter my plans a bit. I will still see to it that Boing is provided with new quarters, but I will attempt to arrange it such that they are immediately near the craftshop and include a private workshop of her own. Well, nearly private: I would like to see life_source provided with a similar private workshop, near Boing's. Who know, perhaps they will become more than friends, and Boing will have even more children to distract her. I suspect that she will be more than distracted enough at that point that I won't have to worry about reprisal when we return to society.

Before I forget, I suppose I should record the details of the artifact Konpeito created. As I understand it, he has returned to the quarry and resumed working as if nothing happened. Quite bizarre. In any event, it is an armor stand. It doesn't interest me terribly, since I know we can not sell it without risking a good deal of unrest within the fortress.

I later receive a report that someone decided to install it in the great hall, along with another artifact-quality armor stand. This seems a remarkably wise decision to make, as it will inspire all who visit the great hall to work their hardest and produce the best quality goods possible.

Nearly everything else in the fortress seems to be going well. The new craftshops by the garbage dump are apparently ready for use, although nobody has volunteered for the duty yet. It's not terribly surprising, as I am sure the entire area reeks of the rotting corpses deposited there.

As I said, nearly everything seems to be well. Nearly being the key there. In amongst the reports of masterpiece after masterpiece, stuck by dried ale to the back of one of life_sources proclamations of craft mastery, I find one strange report: apparently a single dwarf, not of our population, was found in a trap in the field. The report doesn't say much except that she was exceedingly angry, and the dwarves that found her were hesitant to release her for fear of being attacked. The dried ale destroyed much of the report, so determining the current situation is difficult, but I believe the caged dwarf claims to have a child and husband in the fortress? I am not sure how that would be possible. For now, I'll just let the other dwarves deal with the situation. I'm sure someone has seen fit to release her by now.