Journal of Bad Munki
28th Sandstone - 18th Timber, 266
"Did You Hear Something?"
The detour has been completed. I tested it myself: upon pulling the lever, the entire detour floor falls open and anything unfortunate enough to be caught standing there will be dropped many levels to an uncomfortable end. Should the victims survive the fall, there is only one exit, which will return them to the start of the detour to try again. The path is long enough that with a dwarf secured in the control room, there should be plenty of leeway in the timing. In this way, even the most incompetent of dwarves should suffice as an operator.
The strand extraction proceeds well enough. Although I would rather the work were accomplished faster, I know that Angry_Ed is still learning and will only improve with time. Daisyvondoom continues to volunteer for the work of forging wafers to be used in the manufacture of weapons. Perhaps I will grant the intrepid forgedwarf private quarters with a private forge built in.

I ordered some exploratory mining near the adamantine I discovered. I am hoping the outcroppings we found extend up and down, which will allow us to harvest more, without the threat of breaking into the magma sea that surrounds the area. On my way back from instructing the miners, I spied a notice from our current elected mayor, Locomotive Breath.

Seeing no harm in such a proclamation, since our gates were closed anyhow, I decided to inform the dwarves near the depot of the ruling. Upon my arrival there, I was dismayed to find that apparently someone had left some foodstuffs out and they had begun to rot, causing the entire area to stink worse than the swamp around us.

Almost at the same time, someone came trotting in to the depot with news that a caravan had been spotted near the south end of the swamp, and the outpost liaison was also inbound. I immediately ordered The Gilded Men to station themselves just inside the gates, and The Knives of Domination to take post on the ramparts above. Once they were in place, the gates were opened, and the travelers began to approach from across the swamp. There was no time to deal with the rot at the depot, we would have to tackle that later.

As I stood at the gates, waiting to greet our friends, I was suddenly struck with another vision, one that horrified me far beyond that of Penguingo being taken by the elves and Vox starving to death in waist-deep fetid water. This was a vision that will surely stay with me until my dying day.