Journal of Bad Munki
28th Limestone - 27th Sandstone, 266
"Minty Reclassified: Deadly Weapon"
As I had seen in my vision, several dwarves are continuing their competitive crafting exercise, most likely due to their excitement at being in such a prosperous dwarven stronghold. They have a "scoreboard" of sorts up, and it appears that while LunaryTaffy is in the lead, Life_source is not that far behind. Occasionally, another dwarf will step in, like Leperfish.

And from time to time, a relative unknown will show up and try to make up for lost time.

For their hard work and dedication, I have rewarded LunarTaffy and Life_source with private crafting quarters. I believe this will serve to motivate them to entirely new levels of creativity and, more importantly, production.

Angry_Ed recently finished his first batch of extraction. We wasted no time in sending the results to the forges. Daisyvondoom was more than excited to volunteer for the task of forge the adamantine wafers. Should it continue, such willingness will not go overlooked.

And finally, YeOldeButchere was able to begin crafting the fine metals I have provided to the dwarves of Gemclod.

She seemed quite excited, grabbing the materials and bolting for the forge, mumbling about "materials deserving of her work" or some such. She was not seen thereafter for several days, but when she did emerge, she was empty handed. "Where is the axe?" I asked sternly. "Oh, it's all done, back in the workshop. Waiting for someone to go store it away, I imagine."
I ordered someone to fetch Minty, and to have him meet me in the shop to receive his new adamantine axe. I arrived just moments before he did, and he appeared to be frothing at the mouth again, as if he had come at the same dead charge he usually reserves for the arrogant ones. The axe was there, waiting on a workbench.

I suggested he give it a try, which he seemed more than willing to do.

By this time, a small crowd of dwarves had gathered in the shop. Everyone agreed, myself included, that the axe was quite becoming of Minty. Nobody was willing to say it out loud, but I know we were all rather looking forward to the first time he would get to put it to use.

Of course, all is progressing quite smoothly now that I have come into full control of my newfound ability. With the actual delivery of Minty's new weapon, few question me. Boing skulks in the shadows, but she is no concern of mine now. Gemclod belongs to me, and it would take but a word to silence her forever. I would regret having to do so, more for her children's sake than for her own, but hopefully it won't come to that.
The dwarves have asked me when we should expect to see new immigrants. I withdraw to ponder the question for a short time, and when I return, having once again delved through time itself, I inform them we should simply close the gates for the time being. The road is complete, and there will be no immigrants this season, as the trade caravans have not yet returned to their homes. Therefore, there is no reason to risk the swamp. The petitioners do not question my word, and the gates are closed.
Anaxite wrote :-

Journal of Anaxite Nettrail
29 Limestone 266
He knows
I doubted the one who called himself Overseer, he who proclaimed to see the future, but he has led us to greatness already! Why, with this metal Gemclod will be famous throughout the world! We will attract the attention of all the nobles throughout all our halls and oh... oh no... but we will attract the attention of the Arrogant Ones and the thieves and... oh dear.
But no! Our fearless leader can see the future, he has even stopped a baby snatcher from making away with our precious children. Surely he has foreseen our greatness and nothing could possibly go wrong. Oh my dear C-BOX, your father and your new home shall make us proud as we wield the tools of the makers!
A note in the margins: Heard rumor about fire snakes. Need to find where they're coming from so we can work around them. Need to tell C-BOX to avoid them.