Journal of Bad Munki
29th Galena - 28 Limestone, 266
"Been There, Done That"
As I knew it would be, nobody contested my declaration of overseership. In fact, nobody said anything at all. They just stood there, staring at me. "You may return to your party," I said, "But tomorrow, we must begin working harder than before, for I have seen the enemies that will soon fall upon us. As you were!" I then gracefully stepped down from my makeshift dais and returned to my sad excuse for an office, to plan out the coming work. It took them less than a minute to resume their party, I suspect they were in a hurry to finish with that so they could rest before the following day's work.
Early the next morning, while many dwarves were still nursing their heads and sticking to the shadows for the light only worsened their condition, I began issuing orders. Nobody wished to argue, and so the work was done, albeit not as rapidly as I would have liked. The first thing I commanded was the placement of some dogs on chains immediately inside the front gate. This would help prevent the child-snatchers from getting at Boing's offspring.

Next, I oversaw the trade between ourselves and the human merchants. The totals did not add up exactly as they did in my vision, but I blame this on Markus, who performed the actual negotiations. I need not concern myself with such details, and so I left that aspect of the operation in his reasonably capable hands.

As soon as we were done trading, I grabbed two miners, Anaxite and Dire, and took them to where Boing's quarters were originally going to be. I now understand why I actually ordered the excavation; at the time, I simply hadn't come into full control of my ability, and was confused. Now, I see all so clearly. Perhaps Enzer was in a similar position, and hadn't understood why, exactly, she did what she did, but merely acted on confused instinct. It is no matter, now. She served her purpose and now I will serve mine.
I pointed at a particular spot of the stone, and had my crew dig. Eventually, we made our way to what I had seen in my vision. The two miners were clearly in awe when we came upon the adamantine, although I don't know why, since I had told them flat out what we would find here. It's almost as if they didn't believe me. In any event, they do now, and surely word will spread like wildfire. I will not attempt to prevent the gossip, it will only serve to strengthen my position in the eyes of these dwarves.

As in my vision, I ordered the completion of the detour. My prescience told me that this was as important as ever, and we should not delay in its construction.
Meanwhile, as I was standing on the ramparts, I saw what appeared to be Penguingo wandering out through the front gates. His mother was nowhere to be found, of course. She was probably somewhere in the fortress indulging her paranoias as always. I yelled at the child to get back inside, and in spite of his lack of mothering, he obeyed. A few hours later, a road worker practically stepped on an elf in hiding, which stirred the vile creature from its camouflage. Of course, I had ordered The Gilded Men to stand guard just outside the gate, and The Knives of Domination were on the ramparts near my position. I didn't even need to raise a finger, they performed exactly as I had expected. Minty, of course, chased the snatcher around the west side of the fortress, where he brutally slew the wretched thing. Anchors, who had outed the elf also gave chase, although he did not contribute much to the actual resolution.

Angry Ed claims to have at least some knowledge of strand extraction, and so I have put him to the task of extracting the adamantine we have harvested under my guidance. As soon as he has begun delivering, we will begin producing wafers, and then, weapons. Weapons that will make us more powerful than any bastard arrogant one can even imagine.
Penguingo wrote :-

Munki hollered at me to get back insside out the sun. Said bad people had nasty plans for me, was safer inside. Sun hurt anyway, so I went.
Might go help in the fieldss for a while. Lots of dwarves stay by food stockpile. Must stay with them. I think one dwarf is a bad person with nasty plans. Keeps staring at me. Heard him talking about "sigh ants". Don't like bugs. Specially noisy bugs.
He's really creepy.
markus_cz wrote :-

A NOTE FROM: Markus Cz. Orbsand, the Great Architect
CHISELED BY: Leperfish Boltslaughter, Assistant Architect
FOR: the Committee of Safety, Defense and Magma
We are doomed. The Arrogant Ones have found us. The force we defeated was just a scouting party, the outcasts and lowlifes of elven society. It won't be long before the main army arrives, and on that day our fate will become worse than death. Gemclod will fall, as Frogtrampled fell before, as Lettercuts fell before, as many other dwarven outposts fell before.
I am the grayest dwarf of Gemclod and I remember. I have seen much destruction. The Great Hall of Gemclod mustn't fall to enemy's hands. Here is a Design to prevent that fate.

Overseer Boing was very concerned about Safety. She started a great Safety-project, though she never got to finish it due to other, un-Safe events. The plans still do exist in my head, though, as I have been the one who helped with their Design. We will put the pumps to good use.
There is also an elaborate system of water-wheels and axles, bringing power to the pumps. As the pumps themselves, the axles remain unfinished, though it is just a matter of short time. The tunnels are dug, the timber cut, the plans drawn, only hauling and engineering remain. Mister Skeramin Ijot, who claims to be an expert of pumps, assured me the work will come to fruition.

My proposal for the Committee is thus:
- Finish the stack of pumps.
- Build the remaining walls to prevent magma spilling to service hallways.
- Connect the axles to the pumps
The only part of the project that needs altering is the top level. Boing had no plans, she merely dug. It is however easy to dig new tunnels to spew magma to the Great Hall.

Should the Arrogant Ones breach our defenses, one pull of a lever will flood the fortress in magma. The Great Hall will flood with magma, then cool down and become unspoiled stone once more. We will die. They will not take the Great Hall. Gemclod will be no more.