Journal of Bad Munki
28th Galena, 266
"I Can See The Future"
I awoke in a cold sweat. My head felt as if it had exploded, my body was freezing, and I had no idea where I was. Looking about, all was dark. I felt the ground: at least I was on stone. Mudstone. It was rough, but clearly worked. I struggled to my feet, and my senses slowly came together. Dark is no stranger to a dwarf, but this felt...different. As I stood there, slowly I began to see stars. Actual stars, above me. I must be outside. A little while longer, and I could hear the din of dwarves, likely having some sort of celebration. After some time, my head still aching my hair sticky with drying blood, I determined I was on the ramparts above the gate. How had I come here? I slowly made my way downstairs to the great hall. There was Minty and his friends, all in celebration. Someone was singing about a group of hapless elven ambushers colliding with a dwarven battlesaw, at which everyone was laughing wholeheartedly.
I asked someone what was going on, and I was told, "You don't know? Minty caught a bunch of ambushers comin' right outta the swamp at the gate!" "Again?" I replied. I was met with a blank stare in response. "Whadaya mean 'Again?' Maybe ye've had a bit much o' the grog, eh lad?"
I stumbled off. Something was amiss. Back in my sad excuse for an office (really just a chair and a table near the stockpiles) I sat down and rested my head on my hands, eyes closed. I sat this way for a while, and when I eventually opened my eyes again, I was, shall we say, surprised. The topmost records on my desk, the newest ones, were dated the 27th of Galena, 266.
I sat there staring for some time. The only explanation that I could come up with was that I must have genuinely been struck from behind, by someone, and that I had fallen unconscious and dreamt or hallucinated the rest.
But why had it been so vivid, then? Even the most realistic of dreams, in retrospect, seems garbled and impossible. But this was different. This was exact, and precise, as if I had actually experienced all these events myself. I recorded the entirety of my remembered experience, and read it over and over again. Everything was so vivid, so impossibly true.
And then it struck me. This was why Enzer had chosen me. Somehow, Enzer had known ahead of time, and so I was chosen, for my unique ability to predict these disastrous events. Perhaps Enzer was capable of the same, and had already lived through Boing's rule well ahead of time, much as I had already lived through the loss of Penguingo and Vox Nihili. This moment, right now, was why I had been chosen by Gemclod's greatest protector. Enzer's plan had come to fruition, without me even realizing it was happening.
I marched into the great hall. Everyone was there, celebrating. Perfect, as if I had planned it. I climbed up onto the largest table in the center of the room.
"Dwarves of Gemclod!" I declared, throwing my arms wide.
"I am your Overseer and you will submit to my word, for I CAN SEE THE FUTURE!"
Sirocco wrote :-
CommaToes dozed lightly near the entrance of the fortress of Gemclod. Inside, he could hear the chatter of the other dwarves as they drank and enjoyed the night. Outside... it was quiet. Nothing to hear but the gentle blow of the wind, except... no... there was something else.
CommaToes pulled his broken body further up the bed with his elbows and stared into the night. It sounded like voices... elven voices?
'Hey, Salo, let's go play a song he says, not too far he says, just a bit farther he says-'
'Shaddup! He'll hear us coming! Besides, we're carrying our instruments too you know.'
'You're the fucking singer!'
'Shut the fuck up you son of a birch! We're here now anyway.'
'God's sap,' the elf grunted. This was followed by a heavy thump. Then three elves sprang into view, as if they had been part of the shadows themselves. One of them was unarmed. Another had some sort of bow and a hollow wooden box of some sort resting on his chin. The third, sweating and swearing, was dragging an enormous wooden crate almost the same size as himself. The unarmed elf hustled them into position then glared at CommaToes before speaking.
'Ah one, ah two, ah one, two, three, four-'

(Click here for lyrics, tablatures and other versions of the song.)
Then they disappeared, their high-pitched tittering - and in one case, straining and cursing - fading into the night. CommaToes pulled his blanket up to his shoulders, turned on to his side and rolled his eyes.
'Fuckin' elves.'
Charlie72 wrote :-

Overseer Munki told be to get the Dwarf Assisting Aiming Mechanism(or DAAM) into production ASAP, for Penguingo's life was at stake. I never told anyone outside of SCIENCE TEAM about DAAM. Munki may be a psydrawf. However, I'll test that later, right now Penguingo's wellbeing is more important. And if this means dropping everthing to focus on DAAM, so be it.