Journal of Bad Munki
19th Limestone - 17th Sandstone, 266
"A Gift for Minty"
I find myself having to hide more and more these days. Boing keeps herself busy, doing what I don't know, but I'll be damned if I'm going to get involved. I'm convinced she has it out for me. I have no doubt she spends all her time trying to decide what to do with me, how to get rid of me.

Our road has finally been completed, and just in time for the merchants to leave with their massive profit. Hopefully we will begin seeing more immigrants soon. In the mean time, I have decided to continue the construction of the back-entrance detour. It will only help us, next time the elves attack en masse. We were lucky last time, although with training, perhaps our military forces will be able to handle a real attack.

Speaking of the military forces, Vox has not been seen since his appearance to join The Gilded Men. I am puzzled, but I won't question his methods. He seems to have a way of his own, and it has kept him alive so far. I am sure he will appear when his squad is called into action. I order nobody to disturb him in his quarters, as he is probably training or meditating on his own. He looked to have lost a lot of weight when we first saw him at the recruitment drive, so I am sure he has just been training hard, and wishes to continue in private.

I have ordered the passageway to Boing's would-be quarters reopened. One of the soundings during the survey revealed a substance I had stricken from the record, and for the time I ignored it. Even now, I am hesitant to name it outright, for fear that word may get out. Still, in light of Minty's performance, I think we may do well to investigate further. I order a slow, careful excavation of the area. Star Guarded does most of the initial digging, and constantly reports dangerously warm stone.

Pushing on, however, the substance in question is eventually revealed. K0npeito takes over at that point, and has a successful harvest.

I don't want them to push too far, and we probably have enough already, at least for now. I will have the ore sent off for processing immediately.
When I do occasionally leave my quarters, I sometimes see Chariot, the one we managed to save, running about on his own. It warms my heart, but is still a painful reminder of the mistake I made. Also, it strikes fear into my heart, because I know that Dwarven children tend to run free, and so now Boing has no infants to occupy her time as before.
Bad Munki wrote :-
I am furious.

I swear this wasn't intentional. My wireless network dropped during a save, so blame linksys I guess.. What is the SOP here? I have a seasonal backup from about a month and a half ago, but that's going to change some stuff pretty significantly. I can zip through it all, since I know what I planned on, but still. I haven't looked at the seasonal save yet, so I don't remember exactly what point that was, although I know Vox will still be alive, and Penguingo may be around as well. 
e: yep, Penguingo is definitely still chillin' with mom in the craftshops.